Strencher / BetterDiscordStuff

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[ShowAllActivities] Some DM Profile sidebars are "Mirrored"/Bacwards #388

Open Zacam opened 7 months ago

Zacam commented 7 months ago

Plugin Version: 1.1.2 Consistency: Intermittent for affected users, appears to be user/dm specific (not all user DM's are affected)

Tested as "Standalone" (only plugin), independent of Theme active.

Not all users, but for some users I have open DM's with, they will consistently show the sidebar Profile information in an absolute "Mirrored" fashion (but "View Profile" or clicking their name for Profile Popup still displays correctly).

If I toggle off the Plugin, the display immediately corrects, and then flips again when I re-enable it. (If I use the BDContextMenu, I have to choose somebody else in DM's and then go back to the affected user); if I enable/disable through Settings Screen, this will usually "hold" until I restart Discord, but not always.

Zacam commented 7 months ago

Addendum: This also occasionally manifest with the "Members List" in a server displaying in Mirror fashion as well, but usually re-selecting other servers and coming back to an affected server will reset that list view to normal.