Strider-CD / strider-docker-slave

Base docker image for running Strider jobs
4 stars 14 forks source link

no git #1

Closed kfatehi closed 10 years ago

kfatehi commented 10 years ago

strange -- looking into it, but:

keyvan@docker:~/docker ❯❯❯ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                     COMMAND                CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                     NAMES
3075e0dd9f68        strider/strider-docker-slave:latest       /bin/bash              34 seconds ago      Up 33 seconds                                 tender_feynman
408bd37ac45a        keyvanfatehi/sinopia:0.9.0                /opt/sinopia/start.s   About an hour ago   Up 57 minutes>4873/tcp    sinopia
98cfb8233eb3        keyvanfatehi/dewdrop-server-node:latest   node /dewdrop/server   5 days ago          Up 57 minutes>3000/tcp   dewdrop-server
keyvan@docker:~/docker ❯❯❯ docker logs 3075e0dd9f68
/bin/bash: line 1: command:git: command not found
jaredly commented 10 years ago

yup that's strange. Did you build the image yourself, or get it from the index?

kfatehi commented 10 years ago

yeah probably -- re-grabbing it now and will close if all's well

kfatehi commented 10 years ago

that was it. :)