Strider-CD / strider-python

Python/Pyramid/Django support for Strider Continuous Deployment
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Fails when requirements.txt doesn't exist? #8

Open AlecTaylor opened 10 years ago

AlecTaylor commented 10 years ago

I note from your code in worker.js that it shouldn't be happening... but it is:

$ /home/alectaylor/.strider/.venv python 9m

New python executable in /home/alectaylor/.strider/.venv/bin/python
Installing setuptools...............................done.
Installing pip.....................done.

$ git clone --recursive<company_name>/<proj_name> . -b master --single-branch bitbucket

Cloning into '.'...
Checking connectivity... done

$ git checkout -qf master bitbucket 9m

$ sh -x -c 'pip install -r requirements.txt' 

This particular project is simple; and has no dependencies outside the stdlib; so doesn't need a requirements.txt.

Can you please fix this bug? - Thanks

knownasilya commented 9 years ago

Are you recommending that pip install be optional?

AlecTaylor commented 9 years ago

No, just that there is a bug which needs fixing.

Note also, that though both comments were made in January, mine was in: 2014, and yours: 2015.

knownasilya commented 9 years ago

@AlecTaylor so the default command is pip install -r requirements.txt, you must specify something else, anything, to override that. So maybe put in an echo or something.