Strider-CD / strider

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support for docker in docker in a strider docker image #324

Closed scivm closed 9 years ago

scivm commented 10 years ago


All of my builds are building docker containers through Dockerfile which will not work when running strider inside a docker container.

There was an example put to the docker index- mazzolino/strider-dind though I would like to see that become the official distribution.

See for example of how to implement docker in docker.

Thanks, Mike

microadam commented 10 years ago

This is definitely something that is on the cards. However I don't think it will run using dind. I am not really a fan of docker in docker as you have to use privileged mode, which obviously drastically lowers the security restrictions on the container.

There is a docker-runner plugin in the works (, however it hasn't been worked on in a while. I am actually planning on picking this up in the coming weeks. The way I imagine this working is by using the Docker remote API. Your strider instance running within Docker will remotely control the Docker daemon on the host (the one that is running strider, or any other server you have running Docker for that matter) to spawn up your docker containers that Strider builds.

Long story short, watch this space :)

jaredly commented 10 years ago

Yeah, the idea for docker-runner is to use the remote API.

knownasilya commented 9 years ago

@keyvanfatehi should this be closed?

kfatehi commented 9 years ago

Yeah out of scope.