Strider-CD / strider

Open Source Continuous Integration & Deployment Server
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HTTP Timeout after 15 minutes~ of running #561

Closed justingosan closed 10 years ago

justingosan commented 10 years ago


I've got strider up and running on a fresh windows azure VM with Ubuntu 14.04 and everything works as expected (was able to add projects from bitbucket, test and deploy) ...but after 15 minutes or so, the web server stops responding and is throwing me timeout errors (Chrome: 'No data received').

The logs don't say much also:

GET / 200 90023ms

Here are my specs:

OS: Ubuntu 14.04
Node: v0.10.31
npm: 1.4.23
strider: 1.5.0 (installed through npm)
mongo: (MongoHQ) instance

I have also tried setting up the preconfigured docker image niallo/strider and I'm getting the same result

In order to fix this, I have to kill and restart the 'strider' process.

Any ideas? Let me know if you guys need info on anything else.

Thanks and thank you for this project!

PS: The error is true even when I do curl localhost:3000

justingosan commented 10 years ago

Switched from mongo instance to mongoLab and so far, it seems to have solved the problem!

Update: Been a couple of hours now and so far so good. The problem somehow came from using as the mongo instance. Closing this issue now