Strider-CD / strider

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Running strider as a background process #936

Open mark-norgate opened 8 years ago

mark-norgate commented 8 years ago

You must excuse my terminology in this issue: Ubuntu and Unix are quite alien to me at the moment.

I am trying to set up Strider on an AWS Ubuntu instance. I have installed everything and have come to the point where I am running Strider with npm start.

However, this takes over the terminal window (sic) and I am no longer able to issue any commands in the shell. How do I run Strider in the background (sic) or as a service so that I can continue to use the shell. And will Strider end when I close the terminal window??

oliversalzburg commented 8 years ago

You can use forever or pm2 or run it through the crontab of another user.

sudo npm install --global pm2
sudo adduser --disabled-login strider
sudo -u strider crontab -e

Then tell it to start strider:

@reboot /usr/bin/pm2 start /opt/strider/bin/strider

Something like that anyway.

knownasilya commented 8 years ago

I use upstart to run it in Ubuntu.