Strider-CD / strider

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Enforce all configuration in gitted YAML directory #962

Open haraldrudell opened 8 years ago

haraldrudell commented 8 years ago

And then:

knownasilya commented 8 years ago

All configuration can currently be setup in a strider.json file. See There is also an issue for supporting yaml or json5 instead of just json here #960

oliversalzburg commented 8 years ago

I am strictly against using any transpilers for backend code. It makes it extremely hard to debug and has very little benefit compared to its cost. We have literally just dropped Node <4 support and thus brought a bunch of new ES features into the code base.

haraldrudell commented 8 years ago

Point taken.

It's an idea.


knownasilya commented 8 years ago

I'm also looking forward to async/await, but in the mean time we can use generators with Node 4+ which is made even nicer with And yes, the error handling is much improved with this router, because ALL errors go to the error handler middleware, no need to catch/try on every route.

Which I'll probably start using when I continue cleaning up and documenting the routes.

haraldrudell commented 8 years ago

I also looked further into YAML and was surprised to see that Amazon AWS does not support it yet, they are still on JSON. There are many npm modules converting between JSON and YAML, but Linux does not come with a pre-installed utility for the conversion.

Linux does have Python 2.7, though, for the AWS command line. You can find tool-deprived people pleading with Amazon to implement YAML. The SaltStack and ansible both use Python with Jinja/YAML configuration file format.


aws ec2 run-instances --generate-cli-skeleton | python -c 'import sys,yaml,json;yaml.safe_dump(json.load(sys.stdin),sys.stdout,default_flow_style=False)'


cat i.yaml | python -c 'import sys,yaml,json;json.dump(yaml.load(sys.stdin),sys.stdout)'
knownasilya commented 8 years ago

YAML for us isn't a high priority, because it's not really a standard, just some people prefer it. We are more concerned about all of the configuration being possible somehow without the UI and having it be replicated/updated easily in a vcs.

Having said that, we would take a PR for supporting strider.yml along side of strider.json (backwards compatible). We might even talk about changing to .strider.yml to be more like Travis (without the backwards compatible support), but this would only be in a major release (with the Node4 change).

oliversalzburg commented 8 years ago

If you want to go transpiling on the frontend code, go bananas for all I care. As long as someone is working on it, it's probably being improved. For all I care, rewrite it in React from scratch.

With backend code, it's not just wrong line numbers in stack traces, it's simply debugging the code (as in attaching the node debugger). And, yeah, I know there is babel-node, but that doesn't work with whatever IDE. It needlessly overcomplicates the development process. As I said earlier, we literally dropped support for Node <4.2 days ago. Let's work with what is natively supported.

That being said, I would welcome a .strider.yml contribution, just because it will make it easier to approach for people coming from other CI solutions.

haraldrudell commented 8 years ago

And hey, @oliversalzburg

I noticed too, some front-end projects so uninterested in server debugging that they "forgot" to have a setting --debug for the server

What I did then was put Node.js into debug, likeso, enabling you to attach any debugger to the running back-end:

if (o.debug) process.kill(, 'SIGUSR1') // enable debugging for this process
console.log(`pid: ${}`)