Stridsvagn69420 / Cyrkensia

Music Repository Server
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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New Rust re-write #27

Closed Stridsvagn69420 closed 1 year ago

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

This will introduce the Rust re-write with v1.2.0, the managaement tools and obviously the hot new stuff as well as a re-write of the Wiki and better docs.


And then obviously the server stuff:

In the end, both cyrkensia and cyrkensia-cfg binaries should be finished in order to merge this PR!

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

Only the Server Routes and Root Docs needed now!

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

...for the raw library of course, not the binaries. But still, pretty neat!

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

Use actix-web shared state for the routes. Probably use a trait for it if possible.

Basically what's missing:

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

The Password Authentication thingy will be done in the 3rd point on the checklist.

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

For file serving: remember to include the SHA-256 hash of the file in the headers. Maybe only on HEAD requests, I'll have to see.

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

Use this for .htpasswd auth and maybe also allow multiple Auth files The entries will be stored in a HashMap or BTreeMap. HashMap is the one I'm more familiar with and a BTreeMap might be slower with a lot of user accounts. I'll have to see.

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

Actually, use a HashSet for this.

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

Basically, load the htpasswd file line by line and use htpasswd_verify::load() for every line, then add the result to a HashSet that will be stored in the CyrkensiaState.

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

And then for the look up: just iterate over it, probably linear.

Maybe a HashMap will be better, but I'll implement the HashSet variant first.

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

Actually, perhaps completely dismiss the Htpasswd thingy and just do a username-password store in JSON (the password being SHA-256 hashed of course) that will be used as a HashMap.

Here's the crate:

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

Only the file index and then actual file serving is missing. Thankfully these will be just two route functions, one for index, one for files. Plus there are the index response (basically just formatting) and a 401 error response, similar to the sever_500() response.

Also, the file serving route should always include the size in the header, but also the SHA-256 and BLAKE3 hashes when there's a HEAD request (authentication has to be successful for this; if it isn't, always return the 401 response).

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

Using BLAKE3 is a good idea ...for checksums though. I'll switch the password hashing to argon2 asap. BLAKE3 will still be used to create the file checksums, and SHA-256 will be removed.

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

Apart from bundling everything together as an executable and testing everything, only the file serving with the HEAD meta and optional HTTP Basic Auth is missing!

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

Aw shit, I made an "it's 2 AM and I'm sick and tired"-oopsies image

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

It's only the actual fileserving-basicauth-headmeta route thingy now.

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

I should probably also remake the wiki before this gets merged...

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

Header stuff for the file serving:

I have the feeling Actix-Web already does a lot of things for you, but I want to be sure and implement it my way, plus only something like the Actix-Web-Static-Fileserver thingy can really do things like hashing, ETag and Last-Modified, plus there's the user authentication (without auth, it won't send any information). I originally also wanted to cache all of these things, but BLAKE3 is blazingly fast and the other caching mechanics get near the level of what NGINX and Apache can kindly do for you.

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

Random stuff, but make the digest and partial content thing a middleware (has to be combined because digest depends on content).

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

Honestly, I might just make a new Rust rewrite. I wrote it down on the Nucleus server, so time to post it here too.

was messing around with GTA's Self Radio, FFmpeg, audio codecs and tags in audii files, and I might make a rust-new-version of my WIP rust-version of Cyrkensia

you see, aside from having to redo most things because mixing basic file serving, sending metadata and password protecting everything together being complicated, I might do the storing part different

  1. I'll probably use SQL and will give the option to use SQLite or RDBMS. There will still be a config file in Json, but it's very simple. The database will have tables for: -maintainers and server admins -user database (Auth can be toggled in settings) -soundtrack table (lots of metadata and the filesystem info, maybe also hashes for integrity and stuff)
  2. I'll keep the current updating system for the soundtrack table btw, but the idea is that instead of having 300 MB of hostinfo.json, there will be a REST api endpoint for getting the file metadata and in general to know what the server even offers and 3. (I forgot this because slewpy) there should be a little tool that updates the files' tags baaed on the database

I have a more elaborate version on this now. So, I'm gonna make it based on the current architecture, BUT the hostinfo won't be so fucking huge anymore. It merely lists the audio files, maybe even just the groups (what I called albums), and of course the server meta. And then there's another endpoint, the songinfo, that allows the client to read more data about a file. And this part just reads the available data from the database (probably SQL then). The database can be manually filled, but if you already have metadata on your file, another tool tries to write it to the database on command. Idk if I will include caching, probably yes if I figure out how.

So things will get debloated and the architecture will get better too. I just have to find time when I can actually do it, school and stuff you know.

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

Auth and Content hashing meta thingy will most likely be a middleware btw.

Stridsvagn69420 commented 1 year ago

Gonna rewrite the entire thing again...