StructuralGenomicsConsortium / CNP25-CHIKV-nsP3-Macrodomain

This project aims to develop a chemical probe of CHIKV-nsP3-macrodomain starting from a fragment screen
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Tweaks to Story So Far Page #2

Closed mattodd closed 4 months ago

mattodd commented 4 months ago

Hi @HadiaAmahli two quick things re the Story So Far page

1) The current pictures of example fragments. I suspect these are going to become out of date and need to be removed. It would be good to keep the information somewhere, though. Did the pictures come from a slide deck? If so, can you put that somewhere (e.g. in a File Diary) and just link to it?

2) I believe in this project we are only focussing on frags in the nucleotide binding site, is that right? If so, we should add that in somewhere (with a reason why!) so it's clear to people that that is indeed the current focus. This may become clearer when we obtain the refined data.

Once both things are done, feel free to close this issue.