Strum / Strums_Mental_VCV_Modules

Strum's Mental Modules for VCV Rack
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
63 stars 15 forks source link

Enhancement Requests for Mixer #47

Closed mikeloveridge closed 4 years ago

mikeloveridge commented 4 years ago

Hi and again, thanks for developing this mixer. I'm including a list of features I would like to see. Not in any priority and none are issues and mostly to think about and consider.


  1. I noticed you are asking the question if the bus module should be separate or not. I like the separate module and think there are many out there that would use the mixer and never use buses. But, I would like to see the Aux module be full width instead of 2 rows and then I would put it above the mixer rather than to the side and the channels would line up in a complete row just like a real mixer would look.
  2. Have an 8-channel version. I like the 16!, but I think there maybe more who might use use an 8 channel version and you can chain the mixers it looks like.
  3. Would like the channel labeling to handle a few more characters. Maybe 2 lines of text. Don't know. Personally, I don't have problems with large modules in VCV since it's not a physical rack and you can scroll and zoom.


  1. I would like to be able to map the gain inputs for each channel so that I can use the knob on my control surface to adjust the gain. I love that your mixer even has gain adjustments available! No other mixer I've used in VCV has this.
  2. Would love to see some built in processing like limiting and/or compression for each channel. You already have some of this with the HPF and HPF cutoffs which are typical on all mixers. Although, you are the first to do this in VCV. Thanks! I'm sure I could do this with some inserts, but it would make for a bulky patch. By the way, the layout is not clear how I would use the Poly Inserts. A true insert includes both send and return often on the same cable. I'm not sure how to use the Poly Inserts feature. I can't tell how to handle the send versus return on the this. Wait! Just saw this! Maybe some labeling that the top 3 inserts are the send and the bottom are the returns would help. However adding limiter/compression per channel would be really nice!
  3. I love that you have buses available for the the groups so I can send them to effects as a group and not individually. What would be also awesome would be a way to chain some of the effects. I'm not sure how to accomplish this. What I mean by this is if I send a channel to a delay module, I would like a way to send the return of the delay on to the reverb send so that the delayed effects also have reverb. I see a way of doing that by sending the return of the effects bus to another channel and sending that channel to the reverb effect. This is a common method on most analog mixers. Most digital mixers would allow me to chain the delay effect to the reverb effect. I can't think of way for you to handle this elegantly though. The only way to accomplish this is to restructure the whole mixer as a digital mixer rather than analog. So this is mostly food for thought. Keeping it in an analog style is easier for most users that are unfamiliar with mixers in general and probably the best fit for the VCV philosophy in general. I'm just rambling now.

How do I send you money? I want to contribute this effort since you are on to making an amazing module that I already have included in my template patch for all new patches.

Just saw the feature where I can copy the settings of one channel to another. Love it! I sometimes need to move the inputs to another channel and this will make it a breeze!