Strumenta / antlr-kotlin

Support for Kotlin as a target for ANTLR 4
Apache License 2.0
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Suppress or fix warnings in generated Kotlin code #82

Open hakanai opened 1 year ago

hakanai commented 1 year ago

There are a bunch of warnings in the code generated by the tool.


The unused value here - an interesting case because if the setter isn't supported, maybe it should have generated a val instead of a var and merely not had a setter?

        override var ruleIndex: Int
            get() =
            set(value) { throw RuntimeException() }

The many cases of redundant casts - for these, the cast is always redundant because the is check will cause a smart cast:

        override fun enterRule(listener: ParseTreeListener) {
            if ( listener is RealExpressionListener ) (listener as RealExpressionListener).enterStart(this)

And this one in the lexer where it's casting from Array<DFA> to Array<DFA?>:

        this.interpreter = LexerATNSimulator(this, ATN, decisionToDFA as Array<DFA?>, sharedContextCache)

If the warnings can be fixed, that'd be perfect, but it's generated code, so perhaps the generator could add @Suppress annotations to the classes to suppress any warnings they generate?