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ASTTransformer - defining the AST metamodel without using the @dataclass decorator #32

Open ivan-alfonso opened 8 months ago

ivan-alfonso commented 8 months ago

If the AST structure is defined without using the @dataclass decorator, that is, by defining (manually) the constructor method of the classes and the getter and setter methods of each attribute, then it will be necessary to define also all the attributes of the class as static attributes. In the following example, the booksattribute, although defined in the constructor method, must also be defined as a static attribute.

class Library(Node):
    books: list["Book"]

    def __init__(self, books:list["Book"]):
        self.books: list("Book") = books

    def books(self) -> list["Book"]:
        return self.__books

    def books(self, books: list["Book"]):
        self.__books = books

This is necessary for the ASTTransformer to correctly recognize the attributes.