StuartJEBaird / diem

Diagnostic index expectation maximisation (diem) algorithm implementations
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Plot annotation - missing info #6

Open MengLu-flw opened 3 months ago

MengLu-flw commented 3 months ago

Hi Stuart and Natalia,

I’ve been using diem on my samples from the hybrid zones, and I think this program has such unique value for hybridisation studies - many thanks for making diem available for us :^)

--- A bit of background --- My vcf.gz file (containing information from 21 main chromosomes only) was failed to convert to diem input format with vcf2diem() in R (requested 80G of MEM yet still having the out of memory issue). So, I switched to the Python script written by Sam Ebdon (, and the conversion was done without any problem costing about 20G of MEM.

I then read the Python outputs into R, and carried on my analysis following this tutorial (

--- The issue --- I was able to produce the plot for each chromosome. However, there is no individual/sample info or site info annotated on my plots (like Fig. 5 in

Do you know how I can produce plots like Fig. 5 in the original paper?

Many thanks in advance!

All the very best, Meng

P.S. Here is one example of my plots.

MengLu-flw commented 3 months ago

Hi again :^)

Within the same thread, I'd also like to ask a question about what is your recommended practice for handling the missing genotypes in the input VCF.

The plot that I presented in the previous post is based on a VCF filtered for "no missing genotype allowed".

I also tried to run diem on a VCF with missing data (I only extracted the first 1000 sites from this dataset to run diem), and the plot looks like this:


It seems to me that it would be better if I applied some filters to my VCF before using diem (I am using whole genome resequencing data). What are your general recommendations regarding this issue?

Looking forward to your reply!

Best, Meng

StuartJEBaird commented 3 months ago

Hi memglu!

t a conference. Will answer Monday.


On Wed, 5 Jun 2024 at 5:18 pm, MengLu-flw @.***> wrote:

Hi Stuart and Natalia,

I’ve been using diem on my samples from the hybrid zones, and I think this program has such unique value for hybridisation studies - many thanks for making diem available for us :^)

--- A bit of background --- My vcf.gz file (containing information from 21 main chromosomes only) was failed to convert to diem input format with vcf2diem() in R (requested 80G of MEM yet still having the out of memory issue). So, I switched to the Python script written by Sam Ebdon (, and the conversion was done without any problem with about 20G of MEM.

I then read the Python outputs into R, and carried on my analysis following this tutorial ( ).

--- The issue --- I was able to produce the plot for each chromosome (please see the attachment “Geum_SYM_CHR21_no_missingGENO.png”). However, there is no individual/sample info or site info annotated on my plots (like Fig. 5 in

Do you know how I can produce plots like Fig. 5 in the original paper?

Many thanks in advance!

All the very best, Meng Geum_SYM_CHR21_no_missingGENO.png (view on web)

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StuartJEBaird commented 3 months ago

One thing now: yes filter, but after running diem filter for high DI. Will explain when back.


On Thu, 6 Jun 2024 at 3:17 pm, StuartJEBaird @.***> wrote:

Hi memglu!

t a conference. Will answer Monday.


On Wed, 5 Jun 2024 at 5:18 pm, MengLu-flw @.***> wrote:

Hi Stuart and Natalia,

I’ve been using diem on my samples from the hybrid zones, and I think this program has such unique value for hybridisation studies - many thanks for making diem available for us :^)

--- A bit of background --- My vcf.gz file (containing information from 21 main chromosomes only) was failed to convert to diem input format with vcf2diem() in R (requested 80G of MEM yet still having the out of memory issue). So, I switched to the Python script written by Sam Ebdon (, and the conversion was done without any problem with about 20G of MEM.

I then read the Python outputs into R, and carried on my analysis following this tutorial ( ).

--- The issue --- I was able to produce the plot for each chromosome (please see the attachment “Geum_SYM_CHR21_no_missingGENO.png”). However, there is no individual/sample info or site info annotated on my plots (like Fig. 5 in

Do you know how I can produce plots like Fig. 5 in the original paper?

Many thanks in advance!

All the very best, Meng Geum_SYM_CHR21_no_missingGENO.png (view on web)

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StuartJEBaird commented 2 months ago

Hi Meng!

Sorry for the delay in my reply. I am now back from the conference.

On Wed, 5 Jun 2024 at 18:18, MengLu-flw @.***> wrote:

Hi Stuart and Natalia,

I’ve been using diem on my samples from the hybrid zones, and I think this program has such unique value for hybridisation studies - many thanks for making diem available for us :^)

You are welcome.

--- A bit of background --- My vcf.gz file (containing information from 21 main chromosomes only) was failed to convert to diem input format with vcf2diem() in R (requested 80G of MEM yet still having the out of memory issue). So, I switched to the Python script written by Sam Ebdon (, and the conversion was done without any problem with about 20G of MEM.

Excellent. Thank you for this information.

I then read the Python outputs into R, and carried on my analysis following this tutorial ( ).

--- The issue --- I was able to produce the plot for each chromosome (please see the attachment “Geum_SYM_CHR21_no_missingGENO.png”). However, there is no individual/sample info or site info annotated on my plots (like Fig. 5 in

Do you know how I can produce plots like Fig. 5 in the original paper?

The different versions of diem are at different stages of development when it comes to the visualisation step.

I will check with Natalia, check your second email, and get back to you.



Many thanks in advance!

All the very best, Meng Geum_SYM_CHR21_no_missingGENO.png (view on web)

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StuartJEBaird commented 2 months ago

Hi Again!

On Wed, 5 Jun 2024 at 18:28, MengLu-flw @.***> wrote:

Hi again :^)

Within the same thread, I'd also like to ask a question about what is your recommended practice for handling the missing genotypes in the input VCF.

The plot that I presented in the previous post is based on a VCF filtered for "no missing genotype allowed".

Is this an option for Sam's vcf2diem? (I need to understand his filtering better...will ask Sam and look at the code).

I also tried to run diem on a VCF with missing data (I only extracted the first 1000 sites from this dataset to run diem), and the plot looks like this: Geum_SYM_CHR21_first_1000_sites.png (view on web)

It seems to me that it would be better if I applied some filters to my VCF before using diem (I am using whole genome resequencing data). What are your general recommendations regarding this issue?

Looking forward to your reply!

I have two suggestions.

First: regarding your first analysis with ("no missing genotype allowed"). I would like to produce annotated output for you using the tools for diemmca (the Mathematica version). To add the annotation to the figure I need a list individualIDs (to go on the Y axis), and a sites 'bed'-like file for the sites analysed (to annotate the x-axis). The individualIDs must be in the order that the sites' states are encoded for diem. The 'bed'-like sites information needed is just the scaffold and refpos of each site in the diem input. I will also need the diem input and output: I will polarise the diem input using the diem output (polarity column) I will filter the polarised data using the diem output (diagnostic index (DI) column) I will plot the DI-filtered, polarised data while annotating with the (DI-filtered) bed information (and individualIDs).

I have just talked with Natalia: she is going to send you tools in R so you can do the same thing....then we can compare, to ensure no bugs!

Second: regarding your second analysis (with missing data). You can see that maybe 10% of the 1000 sites in your missing-data plot are data-full for most individuals. These are the sites which will have high diagnostic index (DI) when all sites are analysed by diem.

A filter that e.g. removes all sites with any missing data before diem would be a very drastic censorship for the data you have. Instead, to get the most from your data, it is best to run diem on all the data (except invariant or empty sites), and then after diem filter the sites by DI. The difference before vs after is this: Once we have done the analysis we have an efficient filter based on the data. Before we have done the analysis we can only guess at what an efficient filter for this data might be!

Hope this is clear and helpful,

Best Stuart



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nmartinkova commented 2 months ago

Dear Meng,

Thank you for raising this issue. diemr currently does not have an option in plotPolarized that would include individual labels in the plot. We have discussed how to improve the functionality and we will release an update soon. In the meantime, here are two alternatives how to identify individuals in the plot of polarized markers.

1. Individual labels Provided that gens is the matrix of polarized genotypes, such as that resulting from importPolarized, h is a numeric vector of hybrid indices, and inds is a vector of individual labels, one can include them in the plot as:

plotPolarized(gens, h)
axis(2, at = 1:length(inds), labels = inds[order(h)])

2. Individual tick marks Alternatively, one might prefer to show colour-coded tick marks. This option is especially useful when the number of individuals is large and the names overlap. For this plotting option, let's assume that taxa is a character vector which specifies the taxa or another level of groups of interest.

plotPolarized(gens, h)
# create a vector of colours
cols <- palette.colors(length(unique(taxa)), "Accent")[factor(taxa)]
# add coloured tick marks to the plot
invisible(Map(axis, side = 2, at = 1:length(inds), col.ticks = cols[order(h)], labels = "", lwd = 4))

Note that it is important to filter the sites after polarization as Stuart suggests. To obtain the filtered sites and updated hybrid indices, let's have DI that is a numeric vector of diagnostic indices from the diem analysis (to be found in the file MarkerDiagnosticsWithOptimalPolarities.txt or in the function output in the diemResult$DI$DI).

# find the threshold to filter the top 2% of the most diagnostic sites
threshold <- quantile(DI, prob = .98)
# reduce the matrix of polarized genotypes to only include the most diagnostic markers
gens1 <- gens[, DI > threshold]
# update the individual hybrid indices from the filtered polarized genotypes
h1 <- apply(gens1, 
    MARGIN = 1, 
    FUN = \(x) pHetErrOnStateCount(sStateCount(x)))[1, ]

The filtered polarized genotypes gens1 and the updated hybrid indices h1 can then be used for plotting as shown earlier.

Let me know how this works for you.

Best wishes, Natalia

simonharnqvist commented 2 months ago

Hi Natalia - related to this (and sorry Meng for stealing your thread): where can I find the mapping from sequentially ordered markers to sites? I'd like to plot tract length distributions.

StuartJEBaird commented 2 months ago

Hi Simon! Stuart here: Natalia and I were just discussing this across environments.

... this is how it is done in diemmca:

You should have a bed-like file for the refPositions (refPos) of your markers - and you know their sequential order (seqOrd). This means for each chromosome you can construct a table (matrix... mapping): refPos SeqOrd 32411000 1 32430000 2 32500000 3 etc

This allows one to define an interpolation from refPos to seqOrd. Interrogate the interpolation for a range Xticks(refPos) on refPos (eg 1,2,3,4,5 Mb from start). The interpolation answers are Xticks(seqOrd)

Tick the x-axis of a chromosome diem plot with Labels Xticks(refPos) At positions Xticks(seqOrd).

The method extends to plots showing multiple chromosomes by appropriate 'concatenation'.

This is a part of what might loosely be described as 'carpe':

A wrapper of pre- and post-diem code to make user's lives easier. is perhaps most fully developed in Mathematica, but we are expanding to other platforms as time permits!

If you feel your code for doing this in eg R is neat - then consider contributing it to the codebase... Sam's vcf2diem has been super useful!



On Tue, 11 Jun 2024 at 17:42, simonharnqvist @.***> wrote:

Hi Natalia - related to this (and sorry Meng for stealing your thread): where can I find the mapping from sequentially ordered markers to sites? I'd like to plot tract length distributions.

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simonharnqvist commented 2 months ago

Ah - I think the problem here is that Sam's script doesn't output anything like a refPos BED, whereas it looks like vcf2diem.r produces something like that:

      paste0(filepath, "-omittedLoci.txt"),
      paste0(filepath, "-includedLoci.txt")

If that's what I'm looking for then it sounds like I need to try the R version again

StuartJEBaird commented 2 months ago

Well spotted. I am just now modifying Sam's vcf2diem so that it outputs 2 similar bed-like files.

This should be easy - Sam's code is really clean.

I believe Natalia has updated the R vcf2diem in the light of the bug your data threw.


On Wed, 12 Jun 2024 at 12:02, simonharnqvist @.***> wrote:

Ah - I think the problem here is that Sam's script doesn't output anything like a refPos BED, whereas it looks like vcf2diem.r produces something like that:

  paste0(filepath, "-omittedLoci.txt"),
  paste0(filepath, "-includedLoci.txt")

If that's what I'm looking for then it sounds like I need to try the R version again

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StuartJEBaird commented 2 months ago

Simon, have you tried the -l option for Sam's vcf2diem?


On Wed, 12 Jun 2024 at 12:10, StuartJEBaird @.***> wrote:

Well spotted. I am just now modifying Sam's vcf2diem so that it outputs 2 similar bed-like files.

This should be easy - Sam's code is really clean.

I believe Natalia has updated the R vcf2diem in the light of the bug your data threw.


On Wed, 12 Jun 2024 at 12:02, simonharnqvist @.***> wrote:

Ah - I think the problem here is that Sam's script doesn't output anything like a refPos BED, whereas it looks like vcf2diem.r produces something like that:

  paste0(filepath, "-omittedLoci.txt"),
  paste0(filepath, "-includedLoci.txt")

If that's what I'm looking for then it sounds like I need to try the R version again

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simonharnqvist commented 2 months ago

Aha! Classic case of RTFM: Read The F... Fine Manual. Thanks!

nmartinkova commented 2 months ago

Dear Meng and Simon,

I will be sending diemr 1.3 to CRAN today that implements the issues raised here. It includes also a new vignette on what the output files contain and how to use them.

When you get a chance to test, could you let me know how the changes address your needs?

Best, Natalia

MengLu-flw commented 2 months ago

Hi Natalia,

Thank you so much! I'll do so :^) Have a lovely day.

Best, Meng

nmartinkova commented 1 month ago

Hi Meng,

diemr 1.4 that is on CRAN now addresses the plotting issues, and also simplifies filtering of the sites (ideally based on their diagnostic index).

plotPolarized shows coloured ticks representing individuals changing from purple to green at the greatest change in the hybrid index. The user can switch the ticks off with tick = FALSE, or provide a vector of colours to represent the individuals in the argument col.ticks and a vector of names for the individuals in the argument labels.

To add tick marks and labels showing the chromosome breaks onto the x axis and the mapped distances of the markers (in millions), use the new function plotMarkerAxis after plotting the polarized genotypes. It uses one of the vcf2diem output files (-includedSites.txt) as input. The input doesn't have to be from that, but it must include columns CHROM and POS (2-column bed-like with a header, essentially).

An important note here is that the same vector indicating which markers to plot must be used to import polarized genotypes for plotting and then to call the marker axis. By default, all sites are included. In practice, one should concentrate on the markers with the highest diagnostic index.

I recommend to use plotPolarized(..., xlab = "", ylab = "") when adding labels to the individuals or markers, so that the axis labels don't overlap the additional information.

Best, Natalia

Example using the diemr 1.4:

# run diem
myo <- system.file("extdata", "myotis.vcf", package = "diemr")
vcf2diem(myo, "myo")
inds <- 1:14
fit <- diem("myo-001.txt", ChosenInds = inds, ploidy = FALSE)

# plot all sites
gen <- importPolarized("myo-001.txt", fit$markerPolarity, inds)
h <- apply(gen, 1, function(x) pHetErrOnStateCount(sStateCount(x)))[1, ]
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
plotPolarized(gen, h, xlab = "")
plotMarkerAxis("myo-includedSites.txt", ChosenSites = rep(TRUE, ncol(gen)))

# plot only sites with the top 50% of the highest diagnostic index
threshold <- quantile(fit$DI$DI, prob = 0.5)
gen2 <- importPolarized("myo-001.txt", fit$markerPolarity, inds, ChosenSites = fit$DI$DI > threshold)
h2 <- apply(gen2, 1, function(x) pHetErrOnStateCount(sStateCount(x)))[1, ]
plotPolarized(gen2, h2, xlab = "")
plotMarkerAxis("myo-includedSites.txt", ChosenSites = fit$DI$DI > threshold)


MengLu-flw commented 1 month ago

Hi Natalia,

That looks brilliant!!! Thank you so much for this new release!

I will try it the week after next (as I have a 5-day conference next week...), and will let you know how it goes :^)

Many thanks for your invaluable help and support again! Have a lovely day.

All the very best, Meng

MengLu-flw commented 4 days ago

Hi Natalia,

Thank you so much for all your great help and the nice example codes! A quick question about plotting with diemr v1.4:

It is great that plotMarkerAxis() can display site position (or marker name) now. However, I was wondering where I could find the information about the individual/sample names. The circular plot on the main page shows the labels like "SAMEA3403364", "SAMEA3403366",... but I couldn't find such information from the outputs of

How can I retrieve and then plot the sample names?

Many thanks for your invaluable help and support! Have a lovely day!

All the very best, Meng :^)

nmartinkova commented 3 days ago

Hi Meng,

plotPolarized from diemr can add individual labels directly with an optional argument labels. I recommend to suppress the y axis label with ylab = "", when using individual accessions.

The python implementation currently does not have plotting wrappers for diem results. We are working on it though.

Best, Natalia

dat <- importPolarized(
   files = system.file("extdata", "data7x3.txt", package = "diemr"),
   changePolarity = c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE),
   ChosenInds = 1:6,
   ChosenSites = "all"
h = apply(dat, 1, \(x) pHetErrOnStateCount(sStateCount(x)))[1,]

# use the correct names of the individuals in the order in which they are included in the genotype matrix
indNames <-  paste0(sample(LETTERS, 6,T), sample(10:99,6,T))

plotPolarized(dat, h, labels = indNames)


MengLu-flw commented 13 hours ago

Hi Natalia,

Thank you so much for your prompt reply :^)

For a quick update:

  1. plotMarkerAxis() works perfectly! See this plot:
diem_CHROM1_DI0 5

I filtered DI with 0.5 prob, and we can still see many sites with missing data.

I am filtering them again with prob=0.8, to see if the “painting” consistency improves.

  1. For “indNames”, I am not sure how the individuals are ordered when they output from vcf2diem (i.e., when the genotype matrix was generated).

The order seems to be different from the original sample order in the VCF file - is my interpretation correct?

Based on the plot above, it seems that the samples/individuals were reordered at some point according to their hybrid index… I am not sure at which step this “re-ordering” by HI happened.

Any advice on finding the correct order of “indNames” that corresponds to the genotype matrix?

(Sorry for keep bothering you but) thank you so much for all your invaluable help! Have a lovely day!

Gratefully, Meng

nmartinkova commented 12 hours ago

Hi Meng,

The solution for the name ordering is straightforward - this is the same as was in the VCF file, as is in all diem output files, and as is in the imported genotypes. The ordering remains the same.

Where the order changes is the plot. In the plot, the individuals are ordered according to their hybrid index.

Let's test this with the example above, but using row names from the genotype matrix as individual labels.

plotPolarized(dat,h, labels = row.names(dat))


However, we need to address another issue in your message.

I filtered DI with 0.5 prob, and we can still see many sites with missing data.

I am filtering them again with prob=0.8, to see if the “painting” consistency improves.

The data you display contain a lot of missing genotypes on the purple side. This is common with reduced representation genomic data such as RADseq or when the reference is distant to one of the investigated taxa. The missing data will not disappear with higher DI threshold. Yes, their frequency will be reduced, because the barrier signal is generally stronger at sites where there are data. It is important to keep in mind though that even sites with missing data can be informative for the barrier to gene flow.

In fact, in your example, the taxon displayed in purple is well differentiated and the plot clearly designates the respective genotypes. Rather, the purple taxon seems to have sequencing/mapping issues in multiple parts of the chromosome. These manifest as missing data in the purple section and green in the hybrid taxon (the purple allele did not sequence/map, so the hybrid is not yellow but green). Such markers could have very high DI, so they are likely to remain even with higher DI thresholds.

Best, Natalia

MengLu-flw commented 11 hours ago

Hi Natalia,

Thank you so much for your detailed explanations - it is really helpful for me! I also appreciate your insight on the purple taxon and how the missing data would affect the chromosome painting for the early-hybrid samples.

Have a lovely day :^)

All the very best, Meng