Stubbs / sublime-vagrant

Vagrant commands for Sublime Text
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Crashes Sublime Text 2 :( #2

Closed focalstrategy closed 11 years ago

focalstrategy commented 11 years ago

Installing this package on OSX 10.8.2 on Sublime Text 2.0.1 Build 2217 means that everytime I open the command palette, Sublime Hangs and needs to be force quit.

Nothing shows in the console in Sublime.

Adding it to ignored_packages makes things work, taking it back out of ignored_packages breaks it again.

Any ideas?

Stubbs commented 11 years ago

Is your project a git project? At the moment, this plugin makes that assumption and will look for the .git directory and assume that's the top level for the project.

You could try creating a .git directory at the top level of your project?

adamjgray commented 11 years ago

I am seeing this as well on OS X 10.8.3, Sublime 2.0.1 Build 2217 and can confirm the issue only occurs when the opened folder is not a git project. If I have the parent folder of my project opened, the command palette hangs sublime. If I have the git project opened directly, it behaves as expected.

Stubbs commented 11 years ago

Do you have anything in the top level of your project that could be used to test?

I could add a "project_root_filename" config option that it will use to see if it's reached the top of a project?

adamjgray commented 11 years ago

I kind of ended up with the directory structure I had by accident. I've been prototyping a mobile app with phonegap and various refactors led me to having my primary project directory one level deeper than it normally would have been. I really should be developing inside the project directory alone, so finding this was pure happenstance.

In terms of files that would exist at the project root, the most obvious one I can think of would be a Vagrantfile. I also have a .git/ directory and a .gitignore. In the parent folder, I have nothing at all. It only exists because I used to have other projects there and it was helpful to open everything at once at times.

wldcordeiro commented 11 years ago

If it's crashing the program the problem is your plugin not the configuration of your project.

adamjgray commented 11 years ago

It's not a crash really. Just a hang. It's really just an infinite loop in the plugin's code that searches for the Vagrantfile.

wldcordeiro commented 11 years ago

True, it's not an exact crash but if anything this says that the plugin should have an initialization command or something to avoid the infinite loop.

Stubbs commented 11 years ago

Please see my first comment ...

If anyone want's to submit a pull request instead of wait for me to do it ... ;-)

adamjgray commented 11 years ago

I almost started on it the other day. Since there's a workaround at the moment, it isn't a large painpoint; but I may get to it in the next couple weeks if you don't get there first.

adamjgray commented 11 years ago

Since it was on my mind already... #5