StudentAffairsUWM / Laravel-Shibboleth-Service-Provider

Shibboleth Authentication for Laravel
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More Setup help in the Wiki #1

Closed johlton closed 10 years ago

johlton commented 10 years ago

Please provide more info on integration in the Wiki, especially the tying to the Auth module. Thanks.

michaeljs1990 commented 10 years ago

Is the issue with the Shibboleth integration into laravel or getting the data back from your IDP?

benkingcode commented 10 years ago

There's basically no information on how to use this. How do you initiate a login?

michaeljs1990 commented 10 years ago

are you talking about local login or logging in through shibboleth? local login is just /login but to be honest local login has not been fully implemented as it was not the goal of this extension and will be done as i get more time. If you are trying to login through shibboleth you just need to go to /Shibboleth.sso/Login after running through the setup listed in the file. This is not a laravel implementation of a shibboleth idp but only the service provider. If you need to set up an IDP quickly for testing i would start with SimpleSAMLphp.

michaeljs1990 commented 10 years ago

Closing issue as no one has provided me with feedback on this. Will reopen if needed later.