StudentAffairsUWM / Laravel-Shibboleth-Service-Provider

Shibboleth Authentication for Laravel
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add support for lazy shib #26

Open jpuck opened 7 years ago

jpuck commented 7 years ago

Currently, the code base presumes a session. Our organization makes use of lazy sessions wherein public access is granted to a page, but additional content is exposed on that same page to those who are logged in.


e.g. if you're running Apache, then your config might contain this:

<Location />
 AuthType Shibboleth
 ShibRequestSetting requireSession false
 Require shibboleth

I don't know if you would call this a bug, or more likely an enhancement request, but it seems impossible for this plugin to authenticate on a server employing lazy sessions.

To begin, the controller starts the idpAuthorize function by grabbing $email from $_SERVER on line 110.

$email = $this->getServerVariable(config('shibboleth.idp_login_email'));

There's some logic in getServerVariable that inevitably returns null without a shibboleth session set.

Side question: What is the purpose of the REDIRECT_ prefix on server variable names? I haven't encountered this before.

Next, because $email is null it obviously fails the first conditional.

if (Auth::attempt(array('email' => $email, 'type' => 'shibboleth'), true)) {

Finally, there is an else with a nested failing conditional.

} else {
    if (isset($email)) {

And so the controller returns nothing and the user faces a blank white screen. No redirect, no login, just broke.

What strikes me as buggy about this is that the user is created on line 146 before redirecting to the IdP endpoint on line 167. So I'm not positive, but it doesn't seem possible for the IdP redirect to ever occur.

I already have an open PR #25 that brings it up to speed with Laravel 5.4, and I will most likely add commits to address this issue next week as it's a requirement for a project I'm currently working on. But I wanted to raise this now to get any feedback before I attempted to tackle the issue.

Thanks for all your work on this project thus far - it's been a delight to use :smiley: