I made a class that allows me to read video streams. When grabbing from a single camera it works perfectly, however when create 2 instances of the class, the first one stops grabbing frames as soon as the second one is instanced, do you have any idea as to why this may be?
import pypylon.pylon as py
import cv2
import numpy as np
class PylonVideoReader:
def __init__(self, deviceName=None):
self.deviceName = deviceName
if not self.deviceName is None:
tlfactory = py.TlFactory.GetInstance()
deviceInfoList = tlfactory.EnumerateDevices()
deviceIndex = None
for i in range(len(deviceInfoList)):
if self.deviceName == deviceInfoList[i].GetUserDefinedName():
deviceIndex = i
if deviceIndex is None:
print ("Device: {} not found please ensure that it is "
#Create new camera
self.camera = py.InstantCamera(tlfactory.CreateDevice(
#Create new camera
self.camera = py.InstantCamera(tlfactory.CreateFirstDevice())
# Open camera
# Set max number of frame buffers
self.camera.MaxNumBuffer = 50
# Initialize the image format converter
self.formatConverter = py.ImageFormatConverter()
# Set output pixel format to BGR8 for opencv
self.formatConverter.OutputPixelFormat= py.PixelType_BGR8packed
# Start grabbing process
# Grab a first image to get its size
grabResult = self.camera.RetrieveResult(50000)
# Stop grabbing process
# Get dimensions of image
self.frameWidth = grabResult.GetWidth()
self.frameHeight = grabResult.GetHeight()
def get(self, code):
if code == 3:
return this.frameWidth
elif code == 4:
return this.frameHeight
print ("{} is not a known property code".format(code))
def read(self):
# Start grabing process
# Grab an image
grabResult = self.camera.RetrieveResult(200)
# Stop grabing process
# Get dimensions of image
self.frameWidth = grabResult.GetWidth()
self.frameHeight = grabResult.GetHeight()
if grabResult.GrabSucceeded():
# Convert Grab result from YUV422 to BGR8
pylonImage = self.formatConverter.Convert(grabResult)
# Convert pylon image to opencv image
#image = np.frombuffer(bytearray(pylonImage.GetBuffer()), np.uint8)
image = np.asarray(bytearray(pylonImage.GetBuffer()), np.uint8)
image = image.reshape(self.frameHeight, self.frameWidth, 3)
return (True, image)
#except :
return (False, None)
def release():
if __name__=="__main__":
cap = PylonVideoReader("Heatmap")
cap2 = PylonVideoReader("Pose_Panier")
cv2.namedWindow("Test", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
cv2.namedWindow("Test2", cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
ret, image = cap.read()
ret2, image2 = cap2.read()
while True:
if ret:
cv2.imshow("Test", image)
if ret2:
cv2.imshow("Test2", image2)
if cv2.waitKey(1) % 256 == ord('q'):
ret, image = cap.read()
ret2, image2 = cap2.read()
I made a class that allows me to read video streams. When grabbing from a single camera it works perfectly, however when create 2 instances of the class, the first one stops grabbing frames as soon as the second one is instanced, do you have any idea as to why this may be?