Studio-42 / elFinder

📁 Open-source file manager for web, written in JavaScript using jQuery and jQuery UI
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Hungarian translation... (category: works for me) #118

Closed Swiftyhu closed 12 years ago

Swiftyhu commented 13 years ago
 * elFinder translation template
 * use this file to create new translation
if (elFinder && elFinder.prototype && typeof(elFinder.prototype.i18) == 'object') { = {
        translator : 'G\u00E1sp\u00E1r Lajos <>',
        language   : 'Hungarian',
        direction  : 'ltr',
        messages   : {

            /********************************** errors **********************************/
            'error'                : 'Hiba',
            'errUnknown'           : 'Ismeretlen hiba.',
            'errUnknownCmd'        : 'Ismeretlen parancs.',
            'errJqui'              : 'Hib\u00E1s jQuery UI konfigur\u00E1ci\u00F3. A "selectable", "draggable" \u00E9s a "droppable" komponensek sz\u00FCks\u00E9gesek.',
            'errNode'              : 'elFinder requires DOM Element to be created.',
            'errURL'               : 'Hib\u00E1s elFinder konfigur\u00E1ci\u00F3! "URL" param\u00E9ter nincs megadva.',
            'errAccess'            : 'Hozz\u00E1f\u00E9r\u00E9s megtagadva.',
            'errConnect'           : 'Nem siker\u00FClt csatlakozni a kiszolg\u00E1l\u00F3hoz.',
            'errAbort'             : 'Kapcsolat megszak\u00EDtva.',
            'errTimeout'           : 'Kapcsolat id\u0151t\u00FAll\u00E9p\u00E9s.',
            'errNotFound'          : 'A backend nem el\u00E9rhet\u0151.',
            'errResponse'          : 'Hib\u00E1s backend v\u00E1lasz.',
            'errConf'              : 'Invalid backend configuration.',
            'errJSON'              : 'PHP JSON module not installed.',
            'errNoVolumes'         : 'Readable volumes not available.',
            'errCmdParams'         : 'Invalid parameters for command "$1".',
            'errDataNotJSON'       : 'A v\u00E1lasz nem JSON t\u00EDpus\u00FA adat.',
            'errDataEmpty'         : 'Nem \u00E9rkezett adat.',
            'errCmdReq'            : 'Backend request requires command name.',
            'errOpen'              : '"$1" megnyit\u00E1sa nem siker\u00FClt.',
            'errNotFolder'         : 'Object is not a folder.',
            'errNotFile'           : 'Object is not a file.',
            'errRead'              : 'Unable to read "$1".',
            'errWrite'             : 'Unable to write into "$1".',
            'errPerm'              : 'Enged\u00E9ly megtagadva.',
            'errLocked'            : '"$1" is locked and can not be renamed, moved or removed.',
            'errExists'            : 'File named "$1" already exists.',
            'errInvName'           : 'Invalid file name.',
            'errFolderNotFound'    : 'Folder not found.',
            'errFileNotFound'      : 'File not found.',
            'errTrgFolderNotFound' : 'Target folder "$1" not found.',
            'errPopup'             : 'Browser prevented opening popup window. To open file enable it in browser options.',
            'errMkdir'             : 'Unable to create folder "$1".',
            'errMkfile'            : 'Unable to create file "$1".',
            'errRename'            : 'Unable to rename "$1".',
            'errCopyFrom'          : 'Copying files from volume "$1" not allowed.',
            'errCopyTo'            : 'Copying files to volume "$1" not allowed.',
            'errUploadCommon'      : 'Felt\u00F6lt\u00E9si hiba.',
            'errUpload'            : 'Nem siker\u00FClt a f\u00E1jlt felt\u00F6lteni. ($1)',
            'errUploadNoFiles'     : 'No files found for upload.',
            'errMaxSize'           : 'Data exceeds the maximum allowed size.',
            'errFileMaxSize'       : 'File exceeds maximum allowed size.',
            'errUploadMime'        : 'File type not allowed.',
            'errUploadTransfer'    : '"$1" transfer error.', 
            'errSave'              : '"$1" ment\u00E9se nem siker\u00FClt.',
            'errCopy'              : '"$1" m\u00E1sol\u00E1sa nem siker\u00FClt.',
            'errMove'              : '"$1" \u00E1thelyez\u00E9se nem siker\u00FClt.',
            'errCopyInItself'      : '"$1" nem m\u00E1solhat\u00F3 saj\u00E1t mag\u00E1ra.',
            'errRm'                : '"$1" t\u00F6rl\u00E9se nem siker\u00FClt.',
            'errExtract'           : 'Unable to extract files from "$1".',
            'errArchive'           : 'Unable to create archive.',
            'errArcType'           : 'Nem t\u00E1mogatott arch\u00EDvum t\u00EDpus.',
            'errNoArchive'         : 'File is not archive or has unsupported archive type.',
            'errCmdNoSupport'      : 'Backend does not support this command.',

            /******************************* commands names ********************************/
            'cmdarchive'   : 'Arch\u00EDvum l\u00E9trehoz\u00E1sa',
            'cmdback'      : 'Vissza',
            'cmdcopy'      : 'M\u00E1sol\u00E1s',
            'cmdcut'       : 'Kiv\u00E1g\u00E1s',
            'cmddownload'  : 'Let\u00F6lt\u00E9s',
            'cmdduplicate' : 'M\u00E1solat k\u00E9sz\u00EDt\u00E9s',
            'cmdedit'      : 'Szerkeszt\u00E9s',
            'cmdextract'   : 'Kibont\u00E1s',
            'cmdforward'   : 'El\u0151re',
            'cmdgetfile'   : 'F\u00E1jlok kijel\u00F6l\u00E9se',
            'cmdhelp'      : 'Err\u0151l a programr\u00F3l...',
            'cmdhome'      : 'F\u0151k\u00F6nyvt\u00E1r',
            'cmdinfo'      : 'Tulajdons\u00E1gok',
            'cmdmkdir'     : '\u00DAj mappa',
            'cmdmkfile'    : '\u00DAj sz\u00F6veges dokumentum',
            'cmdopen'      : 'Megnyit\u00E1s',
            'cmdpaste'     : 'Beilleszt\u00E9s',
            'cmdquicklook' : 'El\u0151n\u00E9zet',
            'cmdreload'    : 'Friss\u00EDt\u00E9s',
            'cmdrename'    : '\u00C1tnevez\u00E9s',
            'cmdrm'        : 'T\u00F6rl\u00E9s',
            'cmdsearch'    : 'Keres\u00E9s',
            'cmdup'        : 'Ugr\u00E1s a sz\u00FCl\u0151mapp\u00E1ba',
            'cmdupload'    : 'Felt\u00F6lt\u00E9s',
            'cmdview'      : 'View',

            /*********************************** buttons ***********************************/ 
            'btnClose'  : 'Bez\u00E1r',
            'btnSave'   : 'Ment',
            'btnRm'     : 'T\u00F6r\u00F6l',
            'btnCancel' : 'M\u00E9gsem',
            'btnNo'     : 'Nem',
            'btnYes'    : 'Igen',

            /******************************** notifications ********************************/
            'ntfopen'     : 'Mappa megnyit\u00E1s',
            'ntffile'     : 'F\u00E1jl megnyit\u00E1s',
            'ntfreload'   : 'Reload folder content',
            'ntfmkdir'    : 'Mappa l\u00E9trehoz\u00E1sa',
            'ntfmkfile'   : 'Creating files',
            'ntfrm'       : 'F\u00E1jlok t\u00F6r\u00E9lse',
            'ntfcopy'     : 'F\u00E1jlok m\u00E1sol\u00E1sa',
            'ntfmove'     : 'F\u00E1jlok \u00E1thelyez\u00E9se',
            'ntfprepare'  : 'Prepare to copy files',
            'ntfrename'   : 'F\u00E1jlok \u00E1tnevez\u00E9se',
            'ntfupload'   : 'F\u00E1jlok felt\u00F6lt\u00E9se',
            'ntfdownload' : 'F\u00E1jlok let\u00F6lt\u00E9se',
            'ntfsave'     : 'F\u00E1jlok ment\u00E9se',
            'ntfarchive'  : 'Arch\u00EDvum l\u00E9trehoz\u00E1sa',
            'ntfextract'  : 'Kibont\u00E1s arch\u00EDvumb\u00F3l',
            'ntfsearch'   : 'F\u00E1jlok keres\u00E9se',
            'ntfsmth'     : 'Doing something >_<',

            /************************************ dates **********************************/
            'dateUnknown' : 'Ismeretlen',
            'Today'       : 'Ma',
            'Yesterday'   : 'Tegnap',
            'Jan'         : 'jan',
            'Feb'         : 'febr',
            'Mar'         : 'm\u00E1rc',
            'Apr'         : '\u00E1pr',
            'May'         : 'm\u00E1j',
            'Jun'         : 'j\u00FAn',
            'Jul'         : 'j\u00FAl',
            'Aug'         : 'aug',
            'Sep'         : 'szept',
            'Oct'         : 'okt',
            'Nov'         : 'nov',
            'Dec'         : 'dec',

            /********************************** messages **********************************/
            'confirmReq'      : 'Confirmation required',
            'confirmRm'       : 'Val\u00F3ban t\u00F6r\u00F6lni akarja a kijel\u00F6lt adatokat?<br/>Ez k\u00E9s\u0151bb nem ford\u00EDthat\u00F3 vissza!',
            'confirmRepl'     : 'Replace old file with new one?',
            'apllyAll'        : 'Apply to all',
            'name'            : 'N\u00E9v',
            'size'            : 'M\u00E9ret',
            'perms'           : 'Jogok',
            'modify'          : 'M\u00F3dos\u00EDtva',
            'kind'            : 'T\u00EDpus',
            'read'            : 'olvas\u00E1s',
            'write'           : '\u00EDr\u00E1s',
            'noaccess'        : '-',
            'and'             : '\u00E9s',
            'unknown'         : 'ismeretlen',
            'selectall'       : '\u00D6sszes kijel\u00F6l\u00E9se',
            'selectfiles'     : 'F\u00E1jlok kijel\u00F6l\u00E9se',
            'selectffile'     : 'Els\u0151 f\u00E1jl kijel\u00F6l\u00E9se',
            'selectlfile'     : 'Utols\u00F3 f\u00E1jl kijel\u00F6l\u00E9se',
            'viewlist'        : 'Lista n\u00E9zet',
            'viewicons'       : 'Ikon n\u00E9zet',
            'places'          : 'Helyek',
            'calc'            : 'Calculate',
            'path'            : '\u00DAtvonal',
            'aliasfor'        : 'C\u00E9l',
            'locked'          : 'Z\u00E1rolt',
            'dim'             : 'M\u00E9retek',
            'files'           : 'F\u00E1jlok',
            'folders'         : 'Mapp\u00E1k',
            'items'           : 'Elemek',
            'yes'             : 'igen',
            'no'              : 'nem',
            'link'            : 'Parancsikon',
            'searcresult'     : 'Keres\u00E9s eredm\u00E9nye',
            'selected'        : 'kijel\u00F6lt elemek',
            'about'           : 'N\u00E9vjegy',
            'shortcuts'       : 'Gyorsbillenyty\u0171k',
            'help'            : 'S\u00FAg\u00F3',
            'webfm'           : 'Web file manager',
            'ver'             : 'Verzi\u00F3',
            'protocol'        : 'protokol verzi\u00F3',
            'homepage'        : 'Projekt honlap',
            'docs'            : 'Dokument\u00E1ci\u00F3',
            'github'          : 'Hozz l\u00E9tre egy \u00FAj verzi\u00F3t a Github-on',
            'twitter'         : 'K\u00F6vess minket a twitter-en',
            'facebook'        : 'Csatlakozz hozz\u00E1nk a facebook-on',
            'team'            : 'Csapat',
            'chiefdev'        : 'vezet\u0151 fejleszt\u0151',
            'developer'       : 'fejleszt\u0151',
            'contributor'     : 'k\u00FCls\u0151s hozz\u00E1j\u00E1rul\u00F3',
            'maintainer'      : 'karbantart\u00F3',
            'translator'      : 'ford\u00EDt\u00F3',
            'icons'           : 'Ikonok',
            'dontforget'      : 't\u00F6r\u00F6lk\u00F6z\u0151t ne felejts el hozni!',
            'shortcutsof'     : 'Shortcuts disabled',
            'dropFiles'       : 'F\u00E1jlok dob\u00E1sa ide',
            'or'              : 'vagy',
            'selectForUpload' : 'f\u00E1jlok b\u00F6ng\u00E9sz\u00E9se',
            'moveFiles'       : 'F\u00E1jlok \u00E1thelyez\u00E9se',
            'copyFiles'       : 'F\u00E1jlok m\u00E1sol\u00E1sa',

            /********************************** mimetypes **********************************/
            'kindUnknown'     : 'Ismeretlen',
            'kindFolder'      : 'Mappa',
            'kindAlias'       : 'Parancsikon',
            'kindAliasBroken' : 'Hib\u00E1s parancsikon',
            // applications
            'kindApp'         : 'Alkalmaz\u00E1s',
            'kindPostscript'  : 'Postscript dokumentum',
            'kindMsOffice'    : 'Microsoft Office dokumentum',
            'kindMsWord'      : 'Microsoft Word dokumentum',
            'kindMsExcel'     : 'Microsoft Excel dokumentum',
            'kindMsPP'        : 'Microsoft Powerpoint bemutat\u00F3',
            'kindOO'          : 'Open Office dokumentum',
            'kindAppFlash'    : 'Flash alkalmaz\u00E1s',
            'kindPDF'         : 'Portable Document Format (PDF)',
            'kindTorrent'     : 'Bittorrent f\u00E1jl',
            'kind7z'          : '7z arch\u00EDvum',
            'kindTAR'         : 'TAR arch\u00EDvum',
            'kindGZIP'        : 'GZIP arch\u00EDvum',
            'kindBZIP'        : 'BZIP arch\u00EDvum',
            'kindZIP'         : 'ZIP arch\u00EDvum',
            'kindRAR'         : 'RAR arch\u00EDvum',
            'kindJAR'         : 'Java JAR f\u00E1jl',
            'kindTTF'         : 'True Type font',
            'kindOTF'         : 'Open Type font',
            'kindRPM'         : 'RPM csomag',
            // texts
            'kindText'        : 'Sz\u00F6veges dokumentum',
            'kindTextPlain'   : 'Plain text',
            'kindPHP'         : 'PHP forr\u00E1sk\u00F3d',
            'kindCSS'         : 'Cascading style sheet',
            'kindHTML'        : 'HTML dokumentum',
            'kindJS'          : 'Javascript forr\u00E1sk\u00F3d',
            'kindRTF'         : 'Rich Text Format',
            'kindC'           : 'C forr\u00E1sk\u00F3d',
            'kindCHeader'     : 'C header forr\u00E1sk\u00F3d',
            'kindCPP'         : 'C++ forr\u00E1sk\u00F3d',
            'kindCPPHeader'   : 'C++ header forr\u00E1sk\u00F3d',
            'kindShell'       : 'Unix shell script',
            'kindPython'      : 'Python forr\u00E1sk\u00F3d',
            'kindJava'        : 'Java forr\u00E1sk\u00F3d',
            'kindRuby'        : 'Ruby forr\u00E1sk\u00F3d',
            'kindPerl'        : 'Perl script',
            'kindSQL'         : 'SQL forr\u00E1sk\u00F3d',
            'kindXML'         : 'XML dokumentum',
            'kindAWK'         : 'AWK forr\u00E1sk\u00F3d',
            'kindCSV'         : 'Comma separated values',
            'kindDOCBOOK'     : 'Docbook XML dokumentum',
            // images
            'kindImage'       : 'K\u00E9p',
            'kindBMP'         : 'BMP k\u00E9p',
            'kindJPEG'        : 'JPEG k\u00E9p',
            'kindGIF'         : 'GIF k\u00E9p',
            'kindPNG'         : 'PNG k\u00E9p',
            'kindTIFF'        : 'TIFF k\u00E9p',
            'kindTGA'         : 'TGA k\u00E9p',
            'kindPSD'         : 'Adobe Photoshop k\u00E9p',
            'kindXBITMAP'     : 'X bitmap image',
            'kindPXM'         : 'Pixelmator image',
            // media
            'kindAudio'       : 'Hangf\u00E1jl',
            'kindAudioMPEG'   : 'MPEG hangf\u00E1jl',
            'kindAudioMPEG4'  : 'MPEG-4 hangf\u00E1jl',
            'kindAudioMIDI'   : 'MIDI hangf\u00E1jl',
            'kindAudioOGG'    : 'Ogg Vorbis hangf\u00E1jl',
            'kindAudioWAV'    : 'WAV hangf\u00E1jl',
            'AudioPlaylist'   : 'MP3 playlist',
            'kindVideo'       : 'Film',
            'kindVideoDV'     : 'DV film',
            'kindVideoMPEG'   : 'MPEG film',
            'kindVideoMPEG4'  : 'MPEG-4 film',
            'kindVideoAVI'    : 'AVI film',
            'kindVideoMOV'    : 'Quick Time film',
            'kindVideoWM'     : 'Windows Media film',
            'kindVideoFlash'  : 'Flash film',
            'kindVideoMKV'    : 'Matroska film',
            'kindVideoOGG'    : 'Ogg film'
troex commented 13 years ago

can you please update it and replace all \u00E9 characters with normal UTF-8 chars? If you look at all other translations they are made in pure UTF-8 and all works file

Swiftyhu commented 13 years ago

I can do that... :D But I do not see why I should do that?

This is an 7 bit version (escaped) UTF-8 language file.... I understand that it is harder to edit, but it is always the same both under linux and under windows too...

Why do not you like it? P.s.: It is not yet finised... :D

troex commented 13 years ago

Because UTF-8 is a must for correct work of elFinder, that is why you do not need to fallback for compatibility. All other translations are in UTF-8.

P.S.: and what the difference can be between windows and linux editing the same UTF-8 file?

Swiftyhu commented 13 years ago

Well, some Windows programs write BOM characters at the begin of the file... And for example those "windows" PHP files can introduce errors on linux... :D

And while not every program can read/write UTF-8 files, every can do it with ASCII... And the other question who will edit the language files again? Most of the users will never do that...

So is it a "design rule" or there is something more behind this "UTF-8 needed" scenario?

Anyway... I can convert the chars to UTF-8 if you definetly need it...

Swiftyhu commented 13 years ago

Just a line: I am currently under linux.... And my console is set up to ISO8859-2...

troex commented 13 years ago

Translations is made by humans for humans, so there is really no need in some "codes", just keep it simple. Maybe someone would like to improve your translation and will not be able to do the same way as you.

Some other facts: I never heard of BOM problem in elRTE or elFinder Your translation will be the only one "ugly" Imagine this translation with encoded strings - it would be useless for normal human Many other products use normal utf-8 encoded translations without any problems

So there is really no need to encode it, believe me =)