Closed johnfort closed 6 years ago
/ for CSS style priority to ui-state-disabled - "background-image: none" / .elfinder .elfinder-button-icon.ui-state-disabled{ background-image: url('../../img/scripts/elfinder/toolbar.png') !important; }
Not actual ? Could not create this situation.
2700 .elfinder-spinner{
Not actual ?
@fortcms Please grep search in js directory about CSS class name.
@nao-pon I searched and none results
Where else is used .elfinder-button-icon-accept ??
It is also used in the reload command.
background-image: url('../../img/scripts/elfinder/toolbar.png') !important;
"../../img/scripts/elfinder/toolbar.png" is not in the source of elFinder.
2700 .elfinder-spinner{
Searching 123 files for "elfinder-spinner"
117 $.each(fm.options.themes, function(id, val) {
118 var opt = $('<option class="elfinder-theme-option-'+id+'" value="'+id+'">'+fm.i18n(id)+'</option>'),
119: dsc = $('<fieldset class="ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all elfinder-theme-list-'+id+'"><legend>'+fm.i18n(id)+'</legend><div><span class="elfinder-spinner"/></div></fieldset>'),
120 tm;
121 themeSel.append(opt);
122 list.append(dsc);
123 tm = setTimeout(function() {
124: dsc.find('span.elfinder-spinner').replaceWith(fm.i18n(['errRead', id]));
125 }, 10000);
126 fm.getTheme(id).always(function() {
148 val = val.add(dl);
149 val = val.add($('<div class="elfinder-preference-theme-btn"/>').append($('<button class="ui-button ui-corner-all ui-widget"/>').data('themeid', id).html(fm.i18n('select'))));
150: dsc.find('span.elfinder-spinner').replaceWith(val);
151 }).fail(function() {
152: dsc.find('span.elfinder-spinner').replaceWith(fm.i18n(['errRead', id]));
153 });
154 });
15 cwd = fm.cwd().hash,
16 descs = [],
17: spinner = fm.i18n('calc') + '<span class="elfinder-spinner"/>',
18 dialog, text, tmb, size, f, fname;
85 if (getSize) {
86 getSize = fm.getSize($.map(files, function(f) { return f.mime === 'directory'? f.hash : null; })).done(function(data) {
87: dialog.find('span.elfinder-spinner').parent().html(fm.i18n('size')+': '+data.formated);
88 }).fail(function() {
89: dialog.find('span.elfinder-spinner').parent().html(fm.i18n('size')+': '+fm.i18n('unknown'));
90 }).always(function() {
91 getSize = false;
693 fontSize: '16pt'
694 })
695: .html(fm.i18n('nowLoading') + '<span class="elfinder-spinner"/>')
696 .appendTo(ifm.parent()),
697 getType = function(mime) {
2016 fontSize: '16pt'
2017 })
2018: .html(fm.i18n('nowLoading') + '<span class="elfinder-spinner"/>')
2019 .appendTo(ifm.parent()),
2020 cdata = function() {
2423 fontSize: '16pt'
2424 })
2425: .html('<span class="elfinder-edit-loadingmsg">' + fm.i18n('nowLoading') + '</span><span class="elfinder-spinner"/>')
2426 .appendTo(ifm.parent()),
2427 _url = null,
10 matches across 3 files
"../../img/scripts/elfinder/toolbar.png" is not in the source of elFinder.
see line 1307
It is also used in the reload command.
I do not understand what is the function there? I was looking at iphone @nao-pon Plz, rename class for "Text label"
U renamed class="elfinder-spinner" in js/commands/rm.js ))) Thanks
I fond it in contextmenu.css L.232 This style uses for "Auto Reload" extra icon of reload command of contextmenu.
/* for CSS style priority to ui-state-disabled - "background-image: none" */
.elfinder .elfinder-button-icon.ui-state-disabled {
background-image: url('../img/toolbar.png') !important;
But !important;
is not good idea, so i'll change it to...
/* for CSS style priority to ui-state-disabled - "background-image: none" */
.elfinder .elfinder-contextmenu-item .elfinder-button-icon.ui-state-disabled {
background-image: url('../img/toolbar.png');
Plz, rename class for "Text label"
OK, I'll change "elfinder-button-icon-accept" to "elfinder-button-icon-text".
@nao-pon U forgot about .elfinder-rtl .elfinder-cwd-view-list .elfinder-perms .elfinder-rtl .elfinder-cwd-view-list .elfinder-lock .elfinder-rtl .elfinder-cwd-view-list .elfinder-symlink
see elfinder.css L2482
@johnfort Thanks! 👍
@nao-pon There is a difference in .std42-dialog and .elfinder-dialog ?
@johnfort It is before I participate in development, so I do not know the clear meaning.
The buttons overlay on the text.
@johnfort In the case of long file names, that can not be helped.
@nao-pon Plz, change places for elements.
or do refactoring quicklook html layot for similar any dialogs
@nao-pon see L3076 /elfinder.css, property
word-break: break-word;
not work in FireFox! Replace to word-break: break-all; or add overflow-wrap: break-word;
@johnfort The quick look title bar does not break, the overflowed part is not displayed. It is a specification.
not work in FireFox! Replace to word-break: break-all; or add overflow-wrap: break-word;
I'll fix it. Thanks! 👍
@nao-pon You do not hide long text in the dialog. But in the navigation dock you hide it. And the buttons should be not merge with the text.
Next bug:
padding-top: 1px; margin-top: -1px;
best. Or u decide how even better for fix it.
Is there any functional problem as the buttons overlap with titles on the quick look?
Then the vertical scroll bar problem will not be reproduced in Chrome, Firefox, Opera. I do not know how to improve with IE and Edge.
@johnfort Please make another Issue for different issues.
@nao-pon Of course there is a problem with the function. In the style that I draw, it merges into one and for beauty I want to use dots.
MS Edge ? I'll think about it...
I want to use a icon not of "accept" in contextmenuToolbar.
Where else is used .elfinder-button-icon-accept ??
p.s. Do not close the topic. I will write more questions.