StudioCherno / Walnut

Walnut is a simple application framework for Vulkan and Dear ImGui apps
MIT License
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Custom GLFW changes cause crash in Linux #36

Open weirddan455 opened 1 year ago

weirddan455 commented 1 year ago

It prints out Aborted (Core Dumped) I ran it through GDB and found it crashed on this line: (backtrace goes through GLFW code before ultimately throwing a SIGABRT in

This merge commit of your GLFW fork is where it broke: d710a034f0667f97aa6cdfe78bf274b3b4f7aa63

Both parents of that merge commit work (one being your fork before you updated from GLFW master and one being stock GLFW without any changes you made).

I also reproduced this with a minimal C program that just calls GLFWInit + glfwVulkanSupported to confirm that it was the GLFW fork at fault rather than anything else in Walnut code.