StudioCherno / Walnut

Walnut is a simple application framework for Vulkan and Dear ImGui apps
MIT License
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Sample Source for Forest Launcher #64

Closed michalss closed 8 months ago

michalss commented 8 months ago


Can we get sample Forest Launcher source please ? Im after the design, since its not using docking...

Thank you

Acromatic commented 8 months ago

I don't think he's going to provide that, and it's not really how to ask for that either, one way I suppose. Compiling without docking isn't that hard, or necessary... unless I'm mistaken even with docking branch you can disable docking.

Honestly I'd whip this code up for you right now but I have about 20 C++ tutorial browser tabs open and no IDE at the moment. Just a little busy right now... I will however commit this in the future if someone else doesn't first... might be a minute though. ( as in months or years possibly )

One of the biggest problems is that unless you write macros you'd need to create a new branch for it.. I'm not even sure how you submit a new branch like that, I assume it's on their end and that some communication would be required to even explain what you're committing.

michalss commented 8 months ago

I'm not sure if I explained myself correctly. There are some applications where you don't need docking, while others require docking. I like the design and the Walnut idea, but I've tried to remove docking or, to put it simply, create only one single static dock where you cannot move it or perform any transformations on it. My goal is to create a single MainForm application, similar to what Cherno has in this screenshot. That's all. Even the ImGui GitHub is flooded with these questions, so it doesn't seem to be something easy, I guess. I'm pretty new to C++, so if my question isn't clear, I'm very sorry. I'm doing my best to explain my needs. Also, I'm not a native English speaker.

michalss commented 8 months ago


I meant something like this. I don't specifically need the source code, just guidance on how to do it. Some sample code would be nice ;)

Acromatic commented 8 months ago

"Some sample code would be nice" XD... that's what Walnut is... and yes it's EXTREMELY difficult and I've been a student of C++ for 15 years... even I'm struggling to get that far and I did it with irrlicht 15 years ago.... like I said in the duplicate post, this is something we can throw to the check board but it's not likely they will add this quickly, as it's not a quick thing to post, and who knows if "the forest" launcher even still exists. It seems to me in the ImGui Demo there is a switch to disable docking... look into it.

Acromatic commented 8 months ago

imguiWindow->disableMove imguiWindow->disableResize imguiWindow->disableMinMax

Some psuedo code to consider.

I'm trying very hard not to say that you're clearly not good enough yet... but I can't honestly gauge that at all... I'm trying hard not to put information here that misleads you... but what does that look like?... you've put in your order, now wait years like the rest of us C++ coders.. that's basically all I can say without dropping what I'm doing and writing it for you..... it's probably something you COULD code in a day with experience... but I'd have to drop what I'm doing and spend an hour just to know if that statement is true.... I think the hardest thing for new C++ developers is that you don't realise that someone who has been doing this most of their life is still playing around with type definitions and calendar code. It's very likely that walnut is advanced beyond what your needs even are... goodluck that's all I got for you for now.

michalss commented 8 months ago

Well you can say that i'm not good enough, it could be but i can write in 6 languages and im picking things pretty fast. Anyway sorted.. Thx

Acromatic commented 8 months ago

Well you can say that i'm not good enough, it could be but i can write in 6 languages and im picking things pretty fast. Anyway sorted.. Thx

If that is all anyone can take of the hours I put in trying to help them... then no, thank you, because I will never again in my life waste my time on someone like you again.

And from someone who actually can write multiple languages I'm calling bullshit... or NONE of those languages are java or C# or any other useful language, because if they were you wouldn't be here.

I forgot the complimentary passive aggressive "YW" to match your energy. Hey at least we sorted out that you actually aren't good enough, so it really is resolved.

michalss commented 8 months ago

You are so aggressive person, not sure what is your problem. I did ask nicely for help, Your answer where more than horrible and not polite at all. Read your prev. messages again ull see how much aggressive person you are. And it is not only in this Issue.. why did you reply to my issue on the first place then. Your 15 years of experience , even with 50 years of experience not giving you right to act like this. So yes it is sorted but not with your help. So If you spend an hour on my question with 15years of experience, you probably doing something wrong there. That's it and to be honest this is my first so negative experience on github , i did not know that is even possible.... :( so sad All of that was so unnecessary...

Acromatic commented 8 months ago

You are so aggressive person,

I have every right to be as aggressive as I like... that's a subjective personal opinion anyway. If you want to know why it's because you need to go learn C++ first, and stop using this like a forum.. it's not for messages like this. Ok I'm aggressive sure, but you're naive and a complete pain in the ass, you're lucky the internet is now controlled by wimps like you or you'd find out just how aggressive I can really get. PLAY STUPID GAMES, WIN STUPID PRIZES!