StudioMercury / folio-author-plugin-for-wordpress

Digital Publishing Suite folio authoring plugin for WordPress
MIT License
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Error: Constant WP_MEMORY_LIMIT already defined #10

Open realleoman opened 9 years ago

realleoman commented 9 years ago


I'm implementing DPS with the Wordpress CMS and the FolioAuthor plugin and when I try to preview and articles on the iPad and in the browser, I only see the following error:

Error: Constant WP_MEMORY_LIMIT already defined in /var/www/wordpress/wp-config.php on line 92

I am using the API Secret and API KEY Roger sent me and it looks it is working fine but I’m not able to make plugin work.. Any idea about who can help me with this?

I am attaching a screenshot from my computer so I hope someone can help me out with this.

dps cms

Thanks in advance.

StudioMercury commented 9 years ago

Hi @realleoman,

We are looking into this. In the meantime would you mind disabling all plugins (except for the Folio Author Plugin for Wordpress) and then try again.

Also, have you modified anything outside of the standard Wordpress install?

Let us know what happens.