Open atif opened 3 months ago
There is a section in the readme describing this. See
Your HTML is very likely going to be using relative paths. Consider how the browser driven by grover is going to know how to resolve those relative paths 😉
Sure fire way to test this.. dump the rendered HTML to a file.. open the file in a browser. Do you get the same result? (hint.. yep!)
Thanks for your reply, I did output the rendered html to file and it just contains the contents of the method.html.erb and doesn't include layout contents. I'm a noob and didn't understand how to fix it.
Also, one more thing to ask here, I setup grover by creating an initializer file with some options. I wasn't able to make it run using Rails 7 by adding the middleware part in application.rb (I get UnknownFormat exception) when I add the following to application.rb
# in application.rb
require 'grover'
config.middleware.use Grover::Middleware
ActionController::UnknownFormat in XYZController#show
My Request:
It works without the middleware part though but doesn't render layout while generating pdf. Can you please guide if I am missing something on my side?
Using html = Controller.render(template: 'xyz/show', layout: 'pdf')
fixed my problem and allowed me to include layout in pdf
I'm using grover to generate a pdf file (using tailwindcss). Here's the code snippet
html = render_to_string(template: 'controller_name/method_name', layout: 'pdf')
pdf =
send_data pdf, filename: 'report.pdf', type: 'application/pdf', disposition: 'inline'
I've the application/tailwindcss in pdf layout. But rendering above only renders the contents of method template without using layout. Can you please guide how to use layout