Stuermer / EchelleSimulator

GNU General Public License v3.0
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interpolation not working for Phoenix spectra #16

Closed cmbergmann closed 2 years ago

cmbergmann commented 6 years ago

if you provide values that do not exist in the Phoenix library, it will crash and not interpolate (as suggested by ./echellesiulator --help" --> intermediate values will be rounded to available spectra"

eg. ./echellesimulator -s VeloceRosso -p 3800.,4.65,0.,0.,0. -t 1 -k 0 -r 0 -f 1 -o

will crash because there is a Phoenix spectrum for log g = 4.5 and one for 5.0 but none for 4.65

Stuermer commented 2 years ago

closing this since it is a 'problem' of the phoenix data rather than echelle++