Stuk / jszip-utils

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Reading large zip file - JSZipUtil.getBinaryContent() #42

Open adnan-atex opened 1 year ago

adnan-atex commented 1 year ago

Hi Stuk,

Hope you're doing well. I'm using this library for one of the project and getting this error (please see below). This error occurred when the large zip file (max size: 8.8 MB on disk) used for reading the zip content. Below is the code snippet for reading the large zip file.

Can you please provide some feedback on this issue? As this is very important issue and we need to escalate urgently, so your feedback would be highly appreciable.

Code Snippet:

      new JSZip.external.Promise((resolve: any, reject: any) => {
        **JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent(filePath, (err: any, data: any)** => {
          if (err) {
          } else {
              .then(function(zip: any) {
                DataValidator.checkValidZipFile(zip).then((response) => {
                  setTimeout(() => {
                    let reportsMap: Map<string, Report> = ReportGenerator.getReports();
                    console.log("Report =>", reportsMap);
                  }, 1000);
              }, function (error: any) {

Javascript Error:

DataValidator.ts:218 ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: InvalidStateError: Failed to read the 'responseText' property from 'XMLHttpRequest': The value is only accessible if the object's 'responseType' is '' or 'text' (was 'arraybuffer'). Error: InvalidStateError: Failed to read the 'responseText' property from 'XMLHttpRequest': The value is only accessible if the object's 'responseType' is '' or 'text' (was 'arraybuffer'). at xhr.onreadystatechange [as __zone_symbol__ON_PROPERTYreadystatechange] (index.js:110:32) at XMLHttpRequest.wrapFn (zone.js:818:43) at _ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:446:35) at core.mjs:23891:55 at AsyncStackTaggingZoneSpec.onInvokeTask (core.mjs:23891:36) at _ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:445:64) at Object.onInvokeTask (core.mjs:24192:33) at _ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:445:64) at Zone.runTask (zone.js:214:51) at ZoneTask.invokeTask [as invoke] (zone.js:528:38) at resolvePromise (zone.js:1265:35) at resolvePromise (zone.js:1219:21) at zone.js:1332:21 at _ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:446:35) at core.mjs:23891:55 at AsyncStackTaggingZoneSpec.onInvokeTask (core.mjs:23891:36) at _ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:445:64) at Object.onInvokeTask (core.mjs:24192:33) at _ZoneDelegate.invokeTask (zone.js:445:64) at Zone.runTask (zone.js:214:51)