StunlockStudios / vrising-dedicated-server-instructions

V Rising Dedicated Server Instructions
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Linux Version #1

Open theCrius opened 2 years ago

theCrius commented 2 years ago

I know it's in the plans, where it's better to get notified when a Linux version will be available? Even just an issue here (even this one) to which anyone can just subscribe would be fantastic, Thanks!

Looouuu commented 2 years ago

I managed to run the server software with Wine. I didn't try to connect to the server (since I can't start the game on Linux), has anyone tried ?

derroobin commented 2 years ago

i did get it to run with wine in a docker-container and my friends could connect

theCrius commented 2 years ago

That's great news. Can you share your process? I can spin a VM on the fly and try as well so we can document it properly, at least until we get a linux version of the server :)

kathiouchka commented 2 years ago

Hey guys, do you think i could manage to host a server on a raspi ? Using wine + docker would work right?

Looouuu commented 2 years ago

Hey guys, do you think i could manage to host a server on a raspi ? Using wine + docker would work right?

There is no ARM support so probably not

sanegaming commented 2 years ago

Thanks for this, I was looking for a way to be notified when linux was supported.

TrevorCarmichael commented 2 years ago

i did get it to run with wine in a docker-container and my friends could connect

Can you share your docker setup? I'm only somewhat familiar with setting up fresh images and would like to run a server for my friends on my linux box

edit: Maybe someone will find this helpful but I got this running in Docker on Ubuntu Server using Wine. Here's my Repo:

I don't know really anything about docker or wine so its pretty hacked together but maybe someone will find it useful.

khct commented 2 years ago

We should hopefully have the Linux version of the V Rising Dedicated Server available "soon".

There is unfortunately a build issue using il2cpp when using the version of Entities we are currently using.

I think upgrading to Entities 0.5 might solve this build issue, but it also caused significant slowdown for us in just working with the project. So we have been waiting for a bit for a solution to both of these issues.

Anyway, I can leave this issue open here until we have shipped the Linux version.

theCrius commented 2 years ago

That's great news @khct, you already kow what can be a blocker and can work on it. Please keep us informed and let us know if there is any blocker you might want to share. I'm sure that there are others here that are engineers beside gamers ;)

vsdepontes commented 2 years ago

Is there any estimate for the Linux version release? Days, weeks, months? Windows is just unbearable and V Rising is awesome! Can't wait to open a server.

MADDMAXKZ commented 2 years ago

Is there any estimate for the Linux version release? Days, weeks, months? Windows is just unbearable and V Rising is awesome! Can't wait to open a server.

i agree with you on this i would like to know aswell i hate windows OS for hosting servers, when it is poorly used/made for games with linux is MUCH BETTER!

Ponjimon commented 2 years ago

Awesome to hear that there will be a dedicated linux server soon™!

For what it's worth, I too made a Docke image that runs the server using wine, for anyone interested:

theCrius commented 2 years ago

Thanks @Ponjimon, I'll check it out and test it on a VM next week :)

4mp3d commented 2 years ago

Linux please!

dopeghoti commented 2 years ago

Glad to hear you're working on a Linux server; I'll be keeping an eye on this Issue for progress.

ctvw commented 2 years ago

Linux is a must in 2022. Looking forward to it :)

P4sca1 commented 2 years ago

I also made a Docker image for V Rising, to be able to run the game server on a Linux host: It works similar to the ones mentioned above. The key differences are, that you don't have to include your .json settings at build time, but can just place them in the data/Settings/ directory, you can overwrite host variables via env variables, and it automatically updates the server before starting. It currently uses wine, but will be updated to the native linux version, once it is available.

ryuukk commented 2 years ago

imagine telling people to use WINE

unity allows people to build for linux with a single checkbox

and people say "use wine", wtf is wrong with modern developpers

who the fuck will buy a windows server licence to host this game server?

no wonder it runs like crap

TrevorCarmichael commented 2 years ago

Game server actually runs great under WINE. I've had mine running 6 days straight so far with no downtime and no lag. A very viable alternative until a native version is released.

Fuggschen commented 2 years ago

Game server actually runs great under WINE. I've had mine running 6 days straight so far with no downtime and no lag. A very viable alternative until a native version is released.

Never got it running under wine with pterodactyl panel. Got a bunch of errors like NullReferenceException or CryptographicException etc. so I'm waiting patiently for the native version.

imagine telling people to use WINE

unity allows people to build for linux with a single checkbox

and people say "use wine", wtf is wrong with modern developpers

who the fuck will buy a windows server licence to host this game server?

no wonder it runs like crap

Can actually relate. Just nuked our windows server because we can run everything under linux. And native > wine (almost everytime)

Alcohol120 commented 2 years ago

Wine and Docker is not a solution. I will wait for native version.

MADDMAXKZ commented 2 years ago

Wine and Docker is not a solution. I will wait for native version.

theCrius commented 2 years ago

Wine and Docker is not a solution. I will wait for native version.

This is not a forum of discussion. You can leave your opinions out of it :)

However, wine is not a solution, just a workaround as stated by everyone already. Docker Container technology however, is the facto the standard in modern deployment and delivery and if you think that you should instead have a native server because you want to run it from bare metal or a linux VM, you need to get an update on modern practice... well, modern since several years now.

Alcohol120 commented 2 years ago

This is not a forum of discussion. You can leave your opinions out of it :)

This ticket already looks like a discussion. I hope that much posts showing to devs that many people waiting for native version.

~Docker~ Container technology however, is the facto the standard in modern deployment and delivery and if you think that you should instead have a native server because you want to run it from bare metal or a linux VM, you need to get an update on modern practice... well, modern since several years now.

Docker is modern solution for development and deployment. But running production in Docker container in one reason: "let this work on unsupported platform" - is a crutch.

ryuukk commented 2 years ago

Wine and Docker is not a solution. I will wait for native version.

This is not a forum of discussion. You can leave your opinions out of it :)

However, wine is not a solution, just a workaround as stated by everyone already. ~Docker~ Container technology however, is the facto the standard in modern deployment and delivery and if you think that you should instead have a native server because you want to run it from bare metal or a linux VM, you need to get an update on modern practice... well, modern since several years now.

sheep vs aligator

the sheep follows bloat driven development

the aligator eat the sheep

Wine and Docker is not a solution. I will wait for native version.

This is not a forum of discussion. You can leave your opinions out of it :)

However, wine is not a solution, just a workaround as stated by everyone already. ~Docker~ Container technology however, is the facto the standard in modern deployment and delivery and if you think that you should instead have a native server because you want to run it from bare metal or a linux VM, you need to get an update on modern practice... well, modern since several years now.

don't TELL people what they SHOULD do

docker is not THE solution

blindly using what ever the other sheep are using doesn't make you a good engineer, it makes you a good sheep

not everyone wants to be a good sheep

some people want to stay sane, and use what ever is the most efficient and less bloated solution available

a native linux binary is the most efficient solution

docker? not everyone will deploy their server on the cloud on some random overpriced company's computers

dopeghoti commented 2 years ago

"Don't tell people what they should to" followed by telling people what they should do is not a good look. The devs have already stated intent to release a Linux dedicated server. I am content to wait until it is available. I'd prefer sooner than later, but nobody is in a position to demand anything. Personally I think the current hot trend of stuffing everything into a virtualized container has its places, but it's not a tool for every job.

FlippFuzz commented 2 years ago

Any chance of also getting a Linux dedicated server on arm64?

Arm64 servers are becoming more and more common nowadays. Free 4 cores, 24GB RAM, arm64 servers are available on Oracle Cloud free tier.

gOOvER commented 2 years ago

Any chance of also getting a Linux dedicated server on arm64?

Arm64 servers are becoming more and more common nowadays. Free 4 cores, 24GB RAM, arm64 servers are available on Oracle Cloud free tier.

steam dont support arm

JamieeLee commented 2 years ago

Any chance of also getting a Linux dedicated server on arm64? Arm64 servers are becoming more and more common nowadays. Free 4 cores, 24GB RAM, arm64 servers are available on Oracle Cloud free tier.

steam dont support arm

actually, steam has always had native arm support for games. However, the client is still x86 however Apple has a working arm version along with Google is working with steam to make a native arm version for chrome os.

DRayX commented 2 years ago

Any chance of also getting a Linux dedicated server on arm64?

This is unfortunately extremely unlikely. Unity does not support Standalone Linux ARM64. See

jgabriel98 commented 2 years ago

Any chance of also getting a Linux dedicated server on arm64?

This is unfortunately extremely unlikely. Unity does not support Standalone Linux ARM64. See

But how do this block to run a server or arm64? like: we aren't running the game on a arm machine, but the the game server only.

Could you give more details?

Ghosthree3 commented 2 years ago

~Docker~ Container technology however, is the facto the standard in modern deployment and delivery and if you think that you should instead have a native server because you want to run it from bare metal or a linux VM, you need to get an update on modern practice... well, modern since several years now.

I will never use containers (most especially docker) and you cannot make me. However, whether you choose to or not, this has nothing to do with native linux platform support by the server software.

theCrius commented 2 years ago

I don't know how so many took the "container technology is de facto standard in modern delivery" as "we already have a working solution" when I was the one opening this issue to ask for a Linux version asap.

My only point was that considering containers something "evil" is not a good standing point as the advantages are clear as day to anyone that works on complex enough projects that requires reliability and scalability as minimum requirements.

A native Linux version would definitely be better also for a container image as we don't have to build an image with a wine overhead that add needless complexity and, at the least, an additional layer of potential failure to deal with.

NotGeri commented 2 years ago

For sure, we would keep using containers regardless of this being added or not but a native Linux version would definitely cut out the problematic middle man. Would be much appreciated 👍

DRayX commented 2 years ago

But how do this block to run a server or arm64? like: we aren't running the game on a arm machine, but the the game server only.

The server is also built with Unity. The server is essentially a copy of the entire game; that's why it includes all the UI assets and such (the download could be much smaller without this). Unless they completely rewrite the server without Unity, or Unity adds Standalone Linux ARM64 support, there is no way to run a V Rising server on ARM (short of emulation or something crazy).

Alcohol120 commented 2 years ago

short of emulation or something crazy

Unity as server side is something crazy... I understand that maybe this is really simple and quick solution but excuse me, this is so amateur...

JamieeLee commented 2 years ago

But how do this block to run a server or arm64? like: we aren't running the game on a arm machine, but the the game server only.

The server is also built with Unity. The server is essentially a copy of the entire game; that's why it includes all the UI assets and such (the download could be much smaller without this). Unless they completely rewrite the server without Unity, or Unity adds Standalone Linux ARM64 support, there is no way to run a V Rising server on ARM (short of emulation or something crazy).

it is included because unity supports server sided rendering which the game does not use. They just didn't bother to remove the unused assets from the server files , however they are not actually used.

JamieeLee commented 2 years ago

I don't know how so many took the "container technology is de facto standard in modern delivery" as "we already have a working solution" when I was the one opening this issue to ask for a Linux version asap.

My only point was that considering containers something "evil" is not a good standing point as the advantages are clear as day to anyone that works on complex enough projects that requires reliability and scalability as minimum requirements.

A native Linux version would definitely be better also for a container image as we don't have to build an image with a wine overhead that add needless complexity and, at the least, an additional layer of potential failure to deal with.

This is correct but sadly after listening to people talk in the official discord and asking about the linux server client. Most people feel that wine is good enough because it is UNITY. Which doesn't negate all the points you just said but just further illustrates that well we are not seeing a linux version right now because the mentality is well it works in wine...

DemmyDemon commented 2 years ago

Oh gods, people don't realize that Docker usually runs Linux? It's not an emulator, or even a virtual machine, it's just a container. Any Linux native binary for the correct architecture will run in Docker, so it's not like the devs have to put in extra time to make it "Docker compatible" or anything.

That said, yes please, I'd very much like a Linux binary. I'm very skeptical of using wine in any kind of production, hobby or otherwise.

JamieeLee commented 2 years ago

Oh gods, people don't realize that Docker usually runs Linux? It's not an emulator, or even a virtual machine, it's just a container. Any Linux native binary for the correct architecture will run in Docker, so it's not like the devs have to put in extra time to make it "Docker compatible" or anything.

That said, yes please, I'd very much like a Linux binary. I'm very skeptical of using wine in any kind of production, hobby or otherwise.

The issue comes in people think that docker makes the game magically work in linux. Docker just makes it nice and easy to make docker that contains wine and everything needed to make the server work with linux and nice and self contained. Anyways as stated we need a linux native version . wine is just a stopgap.

IceOfWraith commented 2 years ago

I'd like to emphasize that there has been huge demand for the Linux native server within the AMP community. The docker bandaid is nice, but it adds lots of complexity and issues of its own. I know you're busy, and doing a great job supporting the game's development. This is just one more voice to add to the pile from someone who is working closely with many hosters!

matte54 commented 2 years ago

I dont want to feel like im spamming but i just want to put my voice in here to , been holding off on buying the game (mainly cause of the lack linux server software) but very much looking forward to it. Thank you for even making dedicated servers a reality since its seems like a feature going away more and more.

erobertson42 commented 2 years ago

I dont want to feel like im spamming but i just want to put my voice in here to , been holding off on buying the game (mainly cause of the lack linux server software) but very much looking forward to it. Thank you for even making dedicated servers a reality since its seems like a feature going away more and more.

Same. All my friends and I really want to play this, but we've been holding out for a native Linux server.

theCrius commented 2 years ago

To be honest, I and everyone else I know stopped playing this already. The game is lacking a scope and once the pve is done, doing pvp for the sake of doing pvp is only so much fun before it gets boring.

having said that, the longer it takes to fix that

I think upgrading to Entities 0.5 might solve this build issue, but it also caused significant slowdown for us in just working with the project. So we have been waiting for a bit for a solution to both of these issues.

the harder will be to eventually also have to refactor the game/server code. At this point, the to me the game has lost already it's appeal as the design for it clearly goes in a direction that is not promising but good luck to whoever is still interested.

gOOvER commented 2 years ago

To be honest, I and everyone else I know stopped playing this already. The game is lacking a scope and once the pve is done, doing pvp for the sake of doing pvp is only so much fun before it gets boring.

having said that, the longer it takes to fix that

I think upgrading to Entities 0.5 might solve this build issue, but it also caused significant slowdown for us in just working with the project. So we have been waiting for a bit for a solution to both of these issues.

the harder will be to eventually also have to refactor the game/server code. At this point, the to me the game has lost already it's appeal as the design for it clearly goes in a direction that is not promising but good luck to whoever is still interested.

You speak from my soul. The focus is in the completely wrong direction; good game, but who needs the crap PvP aspect.

The developers should move away from PvP and design the game for survival; it is definitely not fun and the game will sink in the long run.

jpmarcotte commented 2 years ago

Ah yes, the "I don't like it, so it sucks and nobody likes it and the game won't survive" comments that have nothing to do with the actual issue being commented on. Was only a matter of time.

Please keep conversations on topic and submit feedback in appropriate places. A Github issue about Linux support has nothing to do with anyone's thoughts about whether any of the other millions of players do or do not like PvP or the longevity of the game. If you've already quit, say goodbye (or don't and just leave) and stop clogging up the Github issue comments.

JamieeLee commented 2 years ago

I assume it's safe to say they have no plans to release a Linux client for the server. The moved all their bug issues away from git hub and have not even bothered to comment about the Linux client. I guess we are just left with hosting with wine. Until they release enough stuff that it just breaks there.

N0rdmann commented 2 years ago

c'mon guys, the game is still in early access phase after all !!!!111's absolutely fine the Devs focus on one platform 1st during development. My ded. server runs absolutely flawless for weeks now with wine64 so kindly let the devs do their work which is finishing the game development - afterwards u can still complain 😝

ryuukk commented 2 years ago

they got the money, hey gave no reason / motivation to deliver now

just like valheim

glad i didn't buy it

N0rdmann commented 2 years ago

glad i didn't buy it

glad one salty player less in game ;)