StupidityDB / EnmityPlugin

Leave reviews on other user's Discord profile. These reviews are visible to anyone with this type of plugin on any platform.
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 0 forks source link

Reviews Won't Show #4

Open HAMPERHAMPS opened 2 months ago

HAMPERHAMPS commented 2 months ago

The reviews won't show when it's enabled how do I get it to work?

mantikafasi commented 2 months ago

plugin is unmaintained atm

HAMPERHAMPS commented 2 months ago


KTibow commented 1 week ago

right click on the user and select view reviews

Vendicated commented 1 week ago

right click on the user and select view reviews

thanks. how do I right click on my iphone?

KTibow commented 1 week ago

sorry i just searched "reviews not showing discord" and this was the first thing that popped up, i didn't do the research to find that this was for phones

SomeAspy commented 1 week ago

Hi @Vendicated, this video should help you. Cheers!