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Disable Ambient sounds as Serverconfig #73

Closed MnkyArts closed 1 month ago

MnkyArts commented 1 month ago

Adding disable Ambient sound to Serverconfig:

native.startAudioScene("DLC_MPHEIST_TRANSITION_TO_APT_FADE_IN_RADIO_SCENE") // removes the music
    native.setStaticEmitterEnabled("LOS_SANTOS_VANILLA_UNICORN_01_STAGE", false) // disables the audio from unicorn
    native.setStaticEmitterEnabled("LOS_SANTOS_VANILLA_UNICORN_02_MAIN_ROOM", false) // disables the audio from unicorn
    native.setStaticEmitterEnabled("LOS_SANTOS_VANILLA_UNICORN_03_BACK_ROOM", false) // disables the audio from unicorn
    native.setAmbientZoneListStatePersistent("AZL_DLC_Hei4_Island_Zones", true, true) // cayo ambient
    native.setAmbientZoneListStatePersistent("AZL_DLC_Hei4_Island_Disabled_Zones", false, true)  // cayo ambien
    native.startAudioScene("FBI_HEIST_H5_MUTE_AMBIENCE_SCENE") // mute fib ambience
    native.startAudioScene("CHARACTER_CHANGE_IN_SKY_SCENE") // starts the sky scene audio if you use a another audio scene e.g DLC_VW_Casino_General you must stop the CHARACTER_CHANGE_IN_SKY_SCENE audio scene before starting the another scene
    native.setAudioFlag("PoliceScannerDisabled", true) // Disables the police scanner audio functionality
    native.setAudioFlag("DisableFlightMusic", true) // Disables the flight audio functionality