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41 stars 13 forks source link - "feed" styling #32

Closed imsodin closed 4 years ago

imsodin commented 4 years ago

The site is not in the known list (, but the addon gets activated automatically and works perfectly for the most parts (thanks). Except for the "notification feed":


Thanks for a great style!

the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago is old and likely unmaintained list, so take that list with a pinch (bucket) of salt. User contributions are welcome to mantain that list and wiki in general though. :wink: :+1:

Since syncthing IS ALREADY part of the style, I assume you meant to report a bug and not make a feature request, so editing as such.

Expect a fix soon though =) Ill need to create an account which Im not a fan of as I dont use this style

the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

Heres the problem, because I dont use the style I dont really have notifications to read or duplicate, so this will take a bit longer while I try to find the selectors.

You could help by providing the inspected selectors on browser.

imsodin commented 4 years ago

I have expanded the html until the first bright menu entry, I hope that contains the info you need. Otherwise please tell me what else you would like to see. Unfortunately firefox inspector doesn't seem to allow copying the html, so as a screenshot:

the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately firefox inspector doesn't seem to allow copying the html

It does!

  1. Right click on desired area,
  2. on menu select copy
  3. copy inner or outer html


However it would be helpful to see the styling being applied.

e.g. something like


imsodin commented 4 years ago

A search for "flash" returns nothing. Filtering styling for color returns on the notifications header, which is correctly dark:

image image

And from the main part that is bright:

image image

(These screenshots make me realize I probably need a userstyle for devtools :) ).

the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

.flash was an example I used to show you how to get there, hence its started with e.g. and its GitHub only. ;)

You should not filter it by color, as is its showing only styles that are already inline meaning part of style, I want to see the classes properties.

can you see if adding

    .user-menu .quick-access-panel .read {
        background: #111;
    } {
        border-color: #444;

does the trick, if not, theres not much in the screenshots that show what is unstyled because maybe the filter you used.

edit: also hover colors if they are an issue and other parts need to be inspected to try get a proper fix which I doubt those two will address.

For your reference the best is to copy the afflicted rules and change the colors.

like (again just an example)


so copy and paste them all you can find in a reply and Ill try again =)

imsodin commented 4 years ago

Firstly: Will this effort only be worth something on or potentially benefit others too? If it's syncthing only, I don't want to use so much of your time, as this will only have very limited users (maybe just me). Please tell me and skip all the rest if that's the case.

That snippet affects all entries except the unreads one (which don't have the .read class) and makes the usernames unreadable: image The unread ones don't have a class at all, I can make them affected with the selector .user-menu .quick-access-panel li (without the li it doesn't apply).

Username is a span without class:

<a href="/t/database-migration-1-6-0-rc2/15006/5" title="mentioned" data-auto-route="true"><svg class="fa d-icon d-icon-at svg-icon svg-node" aria-hidden="true"><use xlink:href="#at"></use></svg><div><span>rustycanb</span> <span data-topic-id="15006">Database migration 1.6.0~rc2</span></div></a>

and has these rules

.user-menu .quick-access-panel li span:first-child {
    color: #222;
.user-menu .quick-access-panel li a > div {
    overflow-wrap: anywhere;

plus stuff inherited from a and body, guess that's not relevant?

the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

Firstly: Will this effort only be worth something on or potentially benefit others too?

I think other will too, no way of testing without joining other sites

and has these rules

.user-menu .quick-access-panel li span:first-child {
color: #222;
.user-menu .quick-access-panel li a > div {
overflow-wrap: anywhere;

OK we are looking for the blue background property which is not there, also were only interested in rules that have background, color, border/style/color, things like overflow props ideally we dont want to apply properties that dont exist in default.

plus stuff inherited from a and body, guess that's not relevant?

Not important.

I'll try to find the stylesheet that has these entries and work from there based on the class names you gave, it will be easier to ID which belong here.


the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

OK can you test these

    .user-menu .quick-access-panel .read {
        background: #111;
    } .menu-links-row {
        border-color: #444;
    } .menu-links-row li, .menu-links-row li {
        border-color: #555;
    .user-menu .quick-access-panel .show-all a:hover {
        color: #ddd;
        background: #282828
    } a:hover, a:focus {
        background-color: #182030;
    .user-menu .quick-access-panel .show-all a {
        color: #ccc;
        background: #222;
    } .fa, a {
        color: #ccc;
imsodin commented 4 years ago

No apparent changes with those. (they seem to be targeting the header though, which is already fine, the body has "wrong" colors - intended?)

That's the div parent of the username/text:

.user-menu .quick-access-panel li a > div {
    overflow: hidden;
    overflow-wrap: anywhere;
    display: -webkit-box;
    -webkit-line-clamp: 2;
    -webkit-box-orient: vertical;

Not sure what else I could show you.

the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

No apparent changes with those. (they seem to be targeting the header though, which is already fine, the body has "wrong" colors - intended?)

thats odd that based on the rules you showed active in the parts you inspected.

What you showed has no color properties, so I dont want to add properties that dont exist in that rule.

Ill have a look though. If I cant fix it, someone else will have to.

imsodin commented 4 years ago

I must have been blind before (or a day of letting some CSS sink in changed my perception significantly). I know found the following selectors which already had some relevant properties (color, overflow, ...) and provisionally changed them to some somewhat suitable values (I was a bit surprised at the lack of variable use to define the used colours - is this some browser backwards compatibility thing?):

    .user-menu .quick-access-panel .read {
        background: #111;
    .user-menu .quick-access-panel li {
        background: #333;
    .user-menu .quick-access-panel li span:first-child {
        color: #ccc;
    .user-menu .quick-access-panel:hover li span:first-child {
        color: #919191;
    .user-menu .quick-access-panel li a > div {
        color: #0890d0;
the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

Im having trouble following you.

You must ignore properties like overflow width etc, we're only interested in existing rules that have colors properties.

Ive looked at default stylesheet and its like this for the rules you pasted..

    .user-menu .quick-access-panel li span:first-child {
        color: #ccc;
    .user-menu .quick-access-panel:hover li span:first-child {
        color: #919191;

above rules dont seem to exist in default stylesheet for .user-menu .quick-access-panel li a > div

    .user-menu .quick-access-panel li a > div {
        color: #0890d0;

this selector above has no such color properties.

this is that selector in default stylesheet.

.user-menu .quick-access-panel li a>div{
@supports not (overflow-wrap: anywhere){
    .user-menu .quick-access-panel li a>div{

We shouldn't be adding color proprieties to those

On all these counts there has to be the correct rules/selectors to address the issue.

Also, in the you should have a setting in preferences to enable dark style, perhaps that would suit you better?

imsodin commented 4 years ago

Not sure what the default stylesheet is. In dev console previous color values for all selector were from menu-panel.scss. All have color attributes except the > div, as you noted. I used that because I didn't find any pre-existing selector for that element, but wanted to change it, given it needs to differ from the user name. In stock theme it's blue like a link. Looking again there's a monster rule in the disourse-task css that overrides the link (a) styling:

.title, .alert, #banner, #site-text-logo, .alert.alert-info, .alert.alert-success, .alert.alert-error, .nav-pills > li > a, #topic-title h1 a, .is-highlighted div, .modal .modal-body p, .atom-io-navigation a, .composer-popup a.close, .modal .modal-body label, .topic-list .sortable:hover, .extra-info-wrapper .topic-link, button.create, .user-menu .notifications li span, .like-button:hover .like-count.d-hover, .badge-wrapper.bullet span.badge-category, span.badge-category, .list-controls .category-dropdown-menu .home, .pihole-nav-link-container a, .category-list tbody .category h3 a[href], div.poll li[data-poll-option-id], .badge-category-bg[style*="background-color: #00683"] + span[style*="color: #000000"], .menu-panel a,, #sp-logo-dropdown a, a.hashtag, a.hashtag:visited, a.hashtag:hover, .category-box-heading a[href], .topic-list th, td, .select-kit .top-date-string, .topics .value, .topics .unit {
    color: #ccc !important;

So the proper fix would probably be to make this rule not apply here. However I won't even try to dig into this thing...

Also, in the you should have a setting in preferences to enable dark style, perhaps that would suit you better?

As I wrote before: If what we do here is specific to, lets stop using our time on this.

By the way that's what it looks like with the rules above:


the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

We should be using the rules from the default stylesheet,

can you inspect the affected area with all your notifications and copy and post the outer html on your reply.

Also this applies to many boards not just syncthing


imsodin commented 4 years ago
<div data-max-width="320" class="menu-panel drop-down" style="top: 100%; height: auto; width: 320px;">
    <div class="panel-body" style="height: 978px;">
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the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

Thanks that helps a lot =)

the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

Sorry it took so long, real life hijacked me and will continue to do so heavily.

I pasted the HTML you shared and used it to fix the issues I saw, it possible something was missed but unless I see the whole HTML I cant duplicate as I dont have any such notifications to duplicate, I hope you understand.

