StylishThemes / GitHub-Dark

:octocat: Dark GitHub style
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
9.67k stars 655 forks source link

Yellow links instead of blue #1113

Closed erkinalp closed 3 years ago

erkinalp commented 4 years ago

Describe the change you'd like Yellow links alongside white text will enhance contrast.

the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

Link color is defined by base-color which is already user selectable.

erkinalp commented 4 years ago

Yellow links made a few things unreadable when I applied the yellow base colour, though. I am in progress of fixing those locally, and going to provide a PR for you to look for.

the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

Perhaps you would like to describe the issue and show a screenshot and link to page for the problem links?

erkinalp commented 4 years ago

Namely, back to notifications button, selected texts and issue pagination buttons becomes unreadable if I select yellow or green as the base colour. For more detail I will have to revert to the original version by "updating", but I have not solved all the contrast issues yet.

the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

Screenshot would help, maybe theres suggestions based on it.

I suspect its the white text, in such case refer to existing issue

From that, you can create a script like outlined in

Failing that, theres no good solution at this time, some colors are not ideal like very bright variations, your best best is select a darker shade of the base color.


erkinalp commented 4 years ago

If only the contrast issue was solved with that one directive in ... Many parts of the style needs editing and still not yet ready for a PR.

erkinalp commented 4 years ago

Close and reopening was accidental.

the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

If only the contrast issue was solved with that one directive in #748 (comment) ... Many parts of the style needs editing and still not yet ready for a PR.

You need to add the classes on that script to address your issue, without you cant solve.

silverwind commented 4 years ago

We can't react to bright base colors (such a contrast calculation can only be done in JS) as we can only assume that base color provides enough contrast. Of course it's possible to override certain parts manually in a separate style of your own.

erkinalp commented 4 years ago

We can't react to bright base colors (such a contrast calculation can only be done in JS)

Userscript version of this addon just downloads this CSS too. EDIT:formatting fixes

xt0rted commented 4 years ago

We can't react to bright base colors (such a contrast calculation can only be done in JS)...

@silverwind there actually is a way to do this in pure css using css variables, calc(), and rgb(). Check this out for the details and this for the example.

Fixed the example link.

silverwind commented 4 years ago

Interesting, but the fact that it requires splitting the RGB channels would not really work for us. Generally, I'd rather like to remove the option for custom base color as it's just not consistent with other (darker) blue parts on the site.

the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

I have solved this issue 95% also solved #748 and #1094 also solved the issue #305

My solution is again using @preprocessor stylus, and some specific conditionals for edge cases.

You can now select a main color and it applies to everything, tags text, but thers a long way to go yet.

It will work ontop of GHD as it exists, I plan to extend this to make all colors customizable including buttons, its not going to be a lot more work.

As such here is the POC, make sure youre using the latest changes in the POC below.

create a new style, copy and paste the below


/* ==UserStyle==
@name         GitHub Dark Hacks
@namespace    the-j0k3r
@version      0.0.7-alpha
@description  A collection of hacks for the new GitHub Dark UI
@author       the-j0k3r
@license      MIT
@preprocessor stylus

@var color bodyColor    "Body color" #202020
@var color mainColor    "Main color" #5e8acc
@var color searchColor  "Text color" #282828
@var color btxtColor    "Text color" #fff
@var color vtxtColor    "Dark txt on light bg color" #000
@var checkbox visTxtColor "Dark txt on light bg" 0
@var checkbox addreadBoxHeaderBgw  "Add readme box header background" 1
@var text  legendSize "Legend size" 10px

==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp("^https?://((gist|guides|docs|lab|launch-editor|raw|resources|status|developer|support)\\.)?github\\.com/((?!generated_pages/preview).)*$"),
domain("") {
  // Inject userstyle even when all options are disabled.
  stylus-fix { content: 'true' }
  :root {
    --custom-thumb-color: mainColor;
    --webkit-scrollbar-thumb-hover: rgba(mainColor, .8);
    --base-color: mainColor;
  ::selection {
    background-color: mainColor !important;
    color: btxtColor !important;
  html body .btn-outline:hover,
  html body [open] > .btn-outline {
    background-color: darken(mainColor, 20%);
    box-shadow: 0 1px 0 vtxtColor, inset 0 1px 0 rgba(btxtColor, .03);
  html body .network .current-repository {
    background-color: lighten(searchColor, 20%);
    padding: 2px 6px 2px 6px;
    margin-left: -6px;
  .compare-pr-placeholder, .compare-cutoff, .diff-cutoff, .markdown-body li.added.moved,
  .repo-private-label, .gist-secret-label, .label-private, .stale-files-tab,
  .signed-out-comment, .commits-list-item em, .unsupported-browser,
  .prereceive-feedback, .code-list em, .issue-list em, .user-list em,
  .wiki-list em, .blob-code .bg-yellow-light,
  .codesearch-results #code_search_results .bg-yellow-light,
  .hx_hit-repo em {
    background-color: lighten(searchColor, 20%) !important;
    border: 1px solid lighten(searchColor, 50%) !important;
  if visTxtColor {
    html body .filter-item.selected,
    html body .filter-list .filter-item.selected,
    html body .btn-outline.selected,
    html body .btn-outline:active,
    html body .btn-outline:hover,
    html body .btn-outline[aria-selected="true"],
    html body [open] > .btn-outline,
    html body .dropdown-item:focus,
    html body .dropdown-item:hover,
    html body .select-menu-item:hover,
    html body .select-menu-item:hover .description,
    html body,
    html body .subnav-item.selected,
    html body .subnav-item[aria-current]:not([aria-current="false"]),
    html body .subnav-item[aria-selected="true"],
    html body .select-menu-item[aria-checked="true"]:hover,
    html body .select-menu-item[aria-checked="true"]:hover > .octicon {
      color: vtxtColor;
    html ::selection {
      color: vtxtColor !important;
    html body .header-search-current .jump-to-suggestions-results-container .navigation-focus .jump-to-suggestions-path,
    html body .header-search-current .jump-to-suggestions-results-container [aria-selected="true"] .jump-to-suggestions-path,
    .jump-to-suggestions-results-container .navigation-focus .jump-to-octicon, .jump-to-suggestions-results-container [aria-selected="true"] .jump-to-octicon {
      color: vtxtColor !important;
    .card-filter-autocomplete-dropdown .navigation-focus,
    .card-filter-autocomplete-dropdown [aria-selected="true"],
    .card-filter-autocomplete-dropdown .navigation-focus .autocomplete-text-qualifier,
    .card-filter-autocomplete-dropdown [aria-selected="true"] .autocomplete-text-qualifier{
      color: vtxtColor !important;
    html body .btn-outline.disabled,
    html body .btn-outline:disabled,
    html body .btn-outline[aria-disabled="true"],
    html body .btn.disabled, .btn:disabled,
    html body .btn[aria-disabled="true"],
    html body .menu-item-danger.navigation-focus,
    html body .menu-item-danger.selected.navigation-focus {
      color: darken(btxtColor, 40%);
    html body .menu-item-danger.selected:hover,
    html body .menu-item-danger.selected[aria-selected="true"],
    html body .menu-item-danger:hover,
    html body .menu-item-danger[aria-selected="true"] {
      color: darken(btxtColor, 10%) !important;
  if readme-box-header-bgw {
    #readme {
      background-color: bodyColor !important;
      border-bottom: 1px solid lighten(bodyColor, 10%) !important;
      padding: 10px 16px !important;
  html body,
    background-color: bodyColor !important;
  html body .issues-reset-query:hover .issues-reset-query-icon {
    background-color: darken(mainColor, 20%) !important
  html body .full-commit {
    background-color: darken(mainColor, 80%);
  .notification-indicator .mail-status {
    color: btxtColor;
    background-image: linear-gradient(mainColor, mainColor);
  .notifications-list-item.notification-unread .notification-list-item-unread-indicator {
    background-color: mainColor;
  .github-jobs-promotion p, .octotip, .bootcamp h1,
  .bootcamp-body, .owners-notice, .blob-history,
  .branch-name, .new-user-avatar-cta, .jstree-wholerow-clicked,
  .commit-ref, .file-history-tease, .feature-banner, .hook-delivery-guid,
  .topic-tag, .topic-tag-action, .delete-topic-button, 
  .topic-tag-action .add-topic-button, .topic-tag-action .remove-topic-button,
  .RecentBranches, .signup-prompt-bg, li .label,
  div[style*="background-color: #044d6e"], .topic-tag-contrast .delete-topic-link,
  body[class="page-responsive"] .bg-blue-light, .repository-content > .Box--condensed >,
  html body .bg-blue-light {
    background: darken(mainColor, 80%) !important;
  html body .notifications-list-item:hover {
    background-color: darken(rgba(mainColor, .5), 60%) !important;
  html body .flash {
    background-color: darken(mainColor, 80%);
    border-color: darken(mainColor, 50%);
  html body .header-search-current .jump-to-suggestions-results-container .navigation-focus .jump-to-suggestions-path,
  html body .header-search-current .jump-to-suggestions-results-container [aria-selected="true"] .jump-to-suggestions-path,
  .select-menu-item.navigation-focus, .select-menu-item.navigation-focus .description-inline,, .select-menu-item.navigation-focus.selected,
  .select-menu-item.navigation-focus[aria-checked="true"], .select-menu-item:focus,
  .select-menu-item:focus .description-inline,,
  .select-menu-item:focus.selected, .select-menu-item:hover, .select-menu-item:hover .description-inline,, .select-menu-item:hover.selected,
  .select-menu-item[aria-checked="true"]:focus, .select-menu-item[aria-checked="true"]:hover,
  .select-menu-item[aria-selected="true"] .description-inline, .select-menu-item[aria-selected="true"].select-menu-action,
  .select-menu-item[aria-selected="true"]:focus, .select-menu-item[aria-selected="true"]:hover,
  .suggester li.navigation-focus, .suggester li:hover, .suggester li[aria-selected="true"],
  .pagination .current, .pagination .current:hover, .pagination [aria-current]:not([aria-current="false"]) {
    color: btxtColor;
    background: darken(mainColor, 20%);
  .card-filter-autocomplete-dropdown .navigation-focus, .card-filter-autocomplete-dropdown [aria-selected="true"] {
    color: btxtColor;
    background: darken(mainColor, 20%);
  .reaction-sort-item:focus, .reaction-sort-item:hover {
    background: darken(mainColor, 20%);
  .repo-file-upload-progress, .project-updated-message, 
  .topic-tag-action .add-topic-button, .topic-tag-action 
  .remove-topic-button, .commit-desc + .commit-branches,
  .pricing-matrix-table .pricing-matrix-table-dark,
  .topic-tag-contrast .delete-topic-link, .repository-content > .Box--condensed:not(#readme):not(.file-holder),
  .border-blue, body[class="page-responsive"] .border-blue, .timeline-comment.current-user .tabnav-tab.selected,
  .full-commit, .full-commit .commit-meta, .border-blue-light,
  .github-jobs-promotion p, .octotip, .bootcamp .bootcamp-body, 
  .bootcamp h1, .owners-notice, .new-user-avatar-cta, .commit-ref,
  .branch-name, .file-history-tease, .feature-banner, .recently-touched-branches,
  .timeline-progressive-disclosure-items button, .RecentBranches, .js-tag-input-tag, li .label, .topic-tag-action {
    border-color: darken(mainColor, 50%) !important;
  .timeline-comment.current-user, :target .timeline-comment,
  .timeline-comment.current-user .timeline-comment-label {
    border-color: darken(mainColor, 50%);
  :target .timeline-comment--caret::before {
    filter: drop-shadow(-0.28em 0 0 rgba(mainColor, .3));
    border-right-color: darken(mainColor, 50%);
  .review-comment:target, :target .timeline-comment {
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2em rgba(mainColor, .3);
  :target .timeline-comment-group .timeline-comment {
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2em rgba(mainColor, .3);
    border-color: darken(mainColor, 50%);
  .upload-enabled.focused {
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px rgba(mainColor, .3);
  .comment-reactions button.btn-link.user-has-reacted {
    background-color: rgba(mainColor, .2) !important;
  html body .timeline-comment--caret.current-user::before {
    border-right-color: darken(mainColor, 50%);
  html body .timeline-comment--caret.current-user::after {
    border-right-color: darken(mainColor, 80%);
  html body .Box-header--blue,
  html body .timeline-comment.current-user .timeline-comment-header {
    background-color: darken(mainColor, 80%);
    border-color: darken(mainColor, 50%)
  .timeline-comment.current-user .previewable-comment-form .comment-form-head.tabnav {
    background-color: darken(mainColor, 80%);
    border-color: darken(mainColor, 50%)
  html body .form-control.focus,
  html body .form-control:focus,
  html body .form-select.focus,
  html body .form-select:focus {
    border-color: darken(mainColor, 50%);
    box-shadow: 0 0 0 3px rgba(mainColor, .3);
  html body input.focus[type="text"], html body #adv_code_search,
  html body .focused .drag-and-drop, html body #adv_code_search .search-page-label:focus,
  html body #q:focus ~ button, html body input.color-editor-input:focus,
  html body #ghd-settings select:focus,
  html body #ghd-settings input:focus,
  html body .intgrs-lstng-item:hover,
  html body .ajax-pagination-btn:focus,
  html body input[type="checkbox"]:focus,
  html body input:focus,
  html body #search > input[name="q"]:focus {
    border-color: darken(mainColor, 50%) !important;
    box-shadow: inset 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .075), 0 0 2px mainColor !important;
    outline-color: mainColor !important;
  html body .topic-tag {
    box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px darken(mainColor, 50%) !important;
  html body .dragover textarea,
  html body .dragover .drag-and-drop {
    box-shadow: 0 0 1px 1px mainColor !important;
  .repo-file-upload-progress .repo-file-upload-meter, .topic-tag-link:hover,
  .delete-topic-button:hover, .topic-tag-contrast .delete-topic-link:hover {
    background: darken(mainColor, 70%) !important;
  html body .btn-outline,
  html body .btn-blue .Counter, 
  html body .btn-link, html body a,
  html body .ajax-pagination-form .ajax-pagination-btn,
  html body .toggle-user-status-edit:focus .user-status-message-wrapper,
  html body .toggle-user-status-edit:hover .user-status-message-wrapper,
  html body .social-count:hover,
  html body .tree-browser-result[aria-selected="true"] .octicon-chevron-right,
  html body .tree-browser-result mark,
  html body .timeline-comment.current-user:not(.is-internal) .timeline-comment-header,
  html body .timeline-comment.current-user:not(.is-internal) .timeline-comment-action,
  html body .toolbar-item .menu-target:focus,
  html body .toolbar-item .menu-target:hover,
  html body .toolbar-item:focus,
  html body .toolbar-item:hover,
  html body .pagination .next_page,
  html body .pagination .previous_page,
  html body .ajax-pagination-form .ajax-pagination-btn:focus,
  html body .ajax-pagination-form .ajax-pagination-btn:hover,
  html body .issues-reset-query:hover,
  html body .drag-and-drop-error-info a {
    color: mainColor;
  html body .btn-octicon, html body .btn-octicon .octicon-x,
  html body .tabnav-tab,
  html body .timeline-comment-action,
  html body #suggestions a,html body .table-list-header-toggle .btn-link,
  html body .discussion-sidebar-item,
  html body .pagination a, html body  .pagination em, html body .pagination span,
  html body .pagination .disabled, html body .pagination .disabled:hover,
  html body .pagination .gap, .pagination .gap:hover,
  html body .pagination [aria-disabled="true"],
  html body .pagination [aria-disabled="true"]:hover, html body .flash .octicon {
    color: darken(btxtColor, 30%);
  html body .link-gray-dark {
    color: darken(btxtColor, 20%) !important;
  .timeline-comment {
    color: darken(btxtColor, 20%);
  html body .link-gray {
    color: darken(btxtColor, 30%) !important;
  html body .text-gray-light {
    color: darken(btxtColor, 40%) !important;
  .timeline-comment-action, #suggestions a, .table-list-header-toggle .btn-link, .discussion-sidebar-item {
    color: darken(btxtColor, 40%);
  html body .btn-octicon .octicon-x:hover, html body .btn-octicon:hover,
  html body .btn-link .octicon-kebab-horizontal:hover,
  html body .flash octicon:not([class*="octicon-"]):hover {
    color: lighten(mainColor, 5%);
  html body .muted-link:hover,
  html body .link-gray:hover,
  html body .link-gray-dark:hover,
  html body .link-hover-blue:hover,
  html body .color-blue-3,
  html body .text-blue-mktg,
  html body .Header-link:focus,
  html body .Header-link:hover,
  html body table.files .octicon-file-directory,
  html body table.files .octicon-file-symlink-directory,
  html body table.files .octicon-file-submodule,
  html body .header-logo-invertocat:hover,
  html body .notification-indicator:hover,
  html body .markdown-body a strong,
  html body .markdown-format a strong,
  html body .notifications.list-group a:hover,
  html body a.octolinker-link[href],
  html body .discussion-sidebar-toggle:hover,
  html body .commit-id:hover, body[class="page-responsive"] .files-list .octicon,
  html body .timeline-comment-action:hover,
  html body .RecentBranches-item, .commit-ref .user,
  html body .notification-navigation .notification-configure-filters:hover .octicon {
    color: mainColor !important;
  a:focus, button:focus, [tabindex] {
    outline-color: mainColor !important;
  html body .link-gray-dark:hover [class*="text"],
  html body .link-gray:hover [class*="text"],
  html body .muted-link:hover [class*="text"] {
    color: inherit !important;
  .filter-item.selected, .filter-item[aria-current]:not([aria-current="false"]),
  .filter-item[aria-selected="true"], .dropdown-item:focus, .dropdown-item:hover {
    background-color: darken(mainColor, 20%);
  .subnav-item.selected, .subnav-item[aria-current]:not([aria-current="false"]),
  .subnav-item[aria-selected="true"] {
    background-color: darken(mainColor, 20%);
    border-color: darken(mainColor, 50%) !important;
  .new-user-avatar-cta, .blob-history, .feature-banner, .recently-touched-branches,
  .recently-touched-branches li, .commit-ref, .project-updated-message,
  .timeline-comment-label.collaborator-comment, .hook-delivery-guid .octicon,
  .hook-delivery-guid a, a.topic-tag, .RecentBranches, .RecentBranches-item-link, li .label, .markdown-format table th,
  div[style*="background-color: #044d6e"], .subset-files-tab .stale-files-tab-link,
  .timeline-comment.current-user:not(.is-internal) .link-gray,
  .delete-topic-button, .topic-tag, .topic-tag-action, .topic-tag-action .add-topic-button,
  .topic-tag-action .remove-topic-button, a.branch-name {
    color: darken(mainColor, 20%) !important;
  .full-commit .btn-outline:not(:disabled):hover {
    color: mainColor;
    border-color: mainColor;
  .full-commit .btn-outline, .full-commit .btn-outline:disabled {
    background-color: initial;
    border-color: darken(mainColor, 50%);
  .contrib-legend .legend li[style] {
    width: legendSize;
    height: legendSize;
  .calendar-graph rect[fill="#ebedf0"],
  .contrib-legend .legend li[style*="#ebedf0"],
  .js-activity-overview-graph-container [fill="white"] {
    background-color: darken(bodyColor, 5%) !important;
    fill: darken(bodyColor, 5%) !important;
  .pricing-testimonial-logo-active::after {
    opacity: .05;
  .pricing-testimonial-logo-active {
    background-color: lighten(bodyColor, 5%)
  html body .flash-warn {
    background-color: darken(#dbab09, 85%);
    border-color: rgba(176,136,0,.2);

I doubt this would ever happen in GHD and because @silverwind want to amputate GHD to remove what I think makes it extra nice and because my theming philosophy is the opposite (it seems) this can be addon style too.

Its a rough WIP but it closes all the issues mentioned.

Of course if you try to find colors combos in order to break this POC you likely will, depends how much you really want to shoot this POC down, but even at those extremes my response in advance is, you can never please everyone.

the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

With some additions we could solve #238 in this new way also using similar logic

If we implemented #1096 this would likely need no CSS at all, just overriding the CSS vars, it would possibly even gives us the ability to do complete themes for GHD including all the gray dark backgrounds. Basically it would be a theme switcher of sorts. Its been done before for other styles for e.g. Stylus DeepDark which I also develop.

Basically the sky is the limit for theming that suits more users wants from any well developed style.

POC for

  :root {
    --custom-thumb-color: mainColor;
    --webkit-scrollbar-thumb-hover: rgba(mainColor, .8);
    --base-color: mainColor;

IN main POC, if you have Overlay scrollbars and Selected tab color styles, this switches the theme colors to match.

erkinalp commented 4 years ago

@the-j0k3r Stylus will not accept the snippet as it is. I tried to import it and failed:

28:3 Unexpected token '/'
28:4 Unexpected token '/'
28:58 Expected IDENT
32:10 Expected :
62:3 Unexpected token '}'
64:5 Expected }
69:3 Unexpected token '}'
336:1 Unexpected token '}'
the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

@erkinalp try again with latest userCSS POC in

rough preview generic


the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

all ensure POC is at @version 0.0.6-alpha

erkinalp commented 4 years ago

Now getting

27:3 Unexpected token '/'
27:4 Unexpected token '/'
27:58 Expected IDENT
39:10 Expected :
69:3 Unexpected token '}'
71:5 Expected }
76:3 Unexpected token '}'
340:1 Unexpected token '}'
the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

How are you exactly doing this?

You should be creating a new style in stylus, then copy the whole css, dont forget the { } and paste and save.


erkinalp commented 4 years ago

OK, solved the problem. Turns out I have forgot to enable the usercss toggle.

the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago

All ensure POC is at @version 0.0.7-alpha

the-j0k3r commented 4 years ago


Towards solving #748 and #1094 also solved the issue #305



much to do yet before its ready for release.

Obviously for better results the colors should be chosen via slider not picked randomly and seems to give consistent results but with this format you can add preset themes in future, so imagine you can apply a twilight themes throughout or whatever tickles you.

the-j0k3r commented 3 years ago

This will never go anywhere with how this style is, no one will work on this in this style any longer so you need to find a better alternative to GHD if this is of high importance to you.

I have my own style, but its private for my own use and these issues dont exist in this design.

When I care to make my style public I will share.