StylishThemes / StackOverflow-Dark

📚 Dark theme for Stack Overflow & most Stack Exchange network sites
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Stackexchange API docs #120

Closed shawnmclean closed 6 years ago

shawnmclean commented 6 years ago


shawnmclean commented 6 years ago

Is there a way to blacklist from stylish?

Mottie commented 6 years ago

Hi @shawnmclean!

We can exclude the site, or style it; it actually won't take too much longer to complete the styling.

Don't use Stylish, unless you don't mind them collecting data on every site you visit. That and we are no longer updating because the site and Stylish are owned by the same people.

Right now, neither Stylish nor Stylus have the ability to exclude/blacklist a site, but there is some work-in-progress adding it to Stylus.

Mottie commented 6 years ago

FYI, we'll add this usercss style to once they get the issue worked out with adding new usercss with custom variables.