StylishThemes / Wikipedia-Dark

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Colors in tables missing #210

Open ShaneBeee opened 1 year ago

ShaneBeee commented 1 year ago

I noticed the color is missing in tables. While this isn't a HUGE issue, it makes reading the table a little difficult. How am I to keep track of my housewives...

Wiki-Dark without color in table

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 8 44 44 PM
AfroThundr3007730 commented 1 year ago

Yeah, with the current way we used the !important hammer to strip a lot of the custom wikitable colors, there's many places where it affects color coding like this. We've been selectively adding rules to override those colors with ones from our palette, but we've only been targeting the more standardized colors in well known templates.

Fortunately, this is one of those cases that could be fixed easily with the latter approach. I'll take a look at fixing this later, or if you feel like getting your hands dirty, pull requests are welcome.

pointydev commented 10 months ago

In my opinion, it'd be nice to have a UserCSS option to completely disable colour overrides in wikitable cells that have custom colours. Some tables use colour legends to convey information, and I would much rather be blinded slightly and consume that information that have to turn off the entire theme and get flashbanged. An example of this can be found here:

dark light

Another example can be found here:

dark light

Thanks, Elliott

xeophyte commented 7 months ago

Same here image

neocharles commented 4 months ago

I also noticed the coloring in the tables on has been removed.

