StyraHem / ShellyForHASS

Shelly smart home platform for Home Assistant
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[BUG] Shelly 3EM strange values on power grid power fail in energy tab #694

Open dolenec opened 1 year ago

dolenec commented 1 year ago


Describe the bug

The problem is that in case of grid power fail the energy values are incorrect.

This bug is present from the start, but it's becoming very annoyed, especially if you want to compare solar energy and house consume energy.

Steps to Reproduce

Power grid power fail.

Expected behavior





Traceback/Error logs

Additional context

I reported this also to HA...

Don't know if error is on Shelly4HASS or by HA..

dolenec commented 1 year ago

I got i fo that this is Shelly4HASS integration problem..

dolenec commented 1 year ago

Yesterday again I have power fail on electrical grid and again there was negative values.. Will be there any fix for that or should I move from sheely4hass to ha original integration?

vooteleaer commented 1 year ago

Same here. It's not happening very often, but sometimes there's huge spikes on the shelly4Hass data, which aren't there for Shelly cloud. Happens on latest Home Assistant Core and on previous ones as well.