SuB1X-Coin / proposals

SUB1X Governance and Proposals
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SUB1X Bounty Program #4

Open SuB1X-Coin opened 6 years ago

SuB1X-Coin commented 6 years ago

Requested funds

510 SUB1X allocated over a 5 month period, which would be paid to this address: ZMFXaQHX8Tnur2Kojp8GmA5X61JYKiJDRf

Describe your proposal

Taking on board the advice of comments from my previous proposal, I am going to split the marketing budget into a series of mini-proposals.

What is the proposal about?

For the SUB1X marketing initiative to really take off, we need an effective bounty program.

How is it going to help the project or the community?

It would bring more awareness to the coin. In order to engage the community and maximize output strong monetary incentives are necessary.

What will the funds be used for?

My suggestion is to deviate from traditional bounty programs and attempt outreach to social media platforms with less blockchain presence. I also am firmly against the idea of overspending. Typically, bounty hunters are indifferent to the size of the rewards and just want easy money at the click of a button.

All in one social media tool [100 SUB1X] Collecting all of the data for each individual bounty is tedious and long winded . I propose market selling 100 SUB1X to pay for a tool that tracks and collects all of the data for us.

Twitter Influencers [100 SUB1X] All of the big Twitter accounts are looking for coins and fast money when it comes to promoting a project. I think we should keep some SUB1X dedicated to these big accounts. A Twitter account with 100k+ followers is getting millions of impressions each month, which would give a huge amount of exposure to the coin.

International [50 SUB1X] There are many Russian forums, Korean internet cafes and Chinese platforms that we should look into for creating SUB1X talk. The successful coins that you see are the ones that maximise their Eastern influence. I think a major part of it should be looking for paid community managers from each region, but we can also take a more direct approach by shilling on specific forums/sites.

Signature Campaign [50 SUB1X] In most cases I would be against the idea of a signature campaign, but I think the title of "Lowest Masternode Coin" would catch a lot of eyes, providing the graphics are done well.

Listing Site Initiatives [50 SUB1X] An effective way to use the community is for listing to various crypto information sites. We could get added to price tracking sites, information sites and exchanges through voting.

Graphics [50 SUB1X] Most people underestimate the power of good infographics. Our impressions on all platforms will get a big boost with some good looking graphics.

Reddit Subreddits [25 SUB1X] It's the most powerful platform to promote SUB1X on. The problem is that very few coins are able to utilise it properly because you need a Reddit account with high levels of karma to hold any respectability. Also, most threads on the main crypto subs are taken down due to blatant shilling. We'd need to pay a team of 4-5 to post consistently on a weekly basis over the main blockchain related subs to have any impact.

SUB1X Subreddit [25 SUB1X] Having an active SUB1X subreddit would be a great indicator for community activity. Some SUB1X could be allocated for posting constructive threads.

Instagram [25 SUB1X] Follow the official SUB1X instagram account and like the latest posts.

Twitter General [25 SUB1X] In my opinion, organic growth is much better when it comes to Twitter. We could allocate coins to people retweeting posts, but most of the accounts it tends to be done from are low quality. A big active Twitter following is built from active admins, engaging Tweets and solid infographics.

Facebook [10 SUB1X] I don't think Facebook needs much allocation. I think having a channel for every major social media platform is good though. We could dedicate a few SUB1X to people joining an official group.

Is this your first proposal? If not, please provide links to previous proposals. This is my second proposal.

Link to 1st proposal -

Proposal creator Discord user


Klaud07 commented 6 years ago

I do not understand a few things, the first and perhaps the most important, to whom are you going to sell coins? I think the train has already left, you missed the moment. Now wanting to buy a Sub1x is almost there, 70 coins will lower the price to 20 satoshi right now...

Regarding the traditional approach to bounty, you seem to have forgotten where the Sub1x community came from. I believe that people who promote projects are not rarely interested in them, especially when the coin is traded on the market during the bounty campaign. At least from the bounty I learned about the Solaris project and it interested me. There are enough people on the forum with honest accounts, we can introduce strict selection, this is not a problem.