SuLab / scheduled-bots

GeneWiki Scheduled Bots
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Changes to Gene Bot #2

Closed stuppie closed 7 years ago

stuppie commented 7 years ago

Fix HGNC symbols bitbucket issue Example Issue is has incorrect values in the symbol field for certain genes. I don't know where these come from. Fix: If an entry doesn't have a "HGNC" field, the "symbol" field won't be used.

Add chromosome items as qualifier to genomic positions Needed for wikigenomes

Add genome assembly as qualifier to chromosome Issue: It is possible that a gene is located on two different chromosome in two different builds example These genes need two chromosome statements, qualify using genome assembly

Some genes are missing chromosome Example Issue: has an alternative chromosome identifier specified. Fix: The identifier mapping is located here (for human). The chromosome should be added to the item, along with the RefSeq-Accn

miscellaneous things to handle This gene has multiple genomic positions: Gene on multiple chromosomes:

stuppie commented 7 years ago

Alternative chromosome identifiers:,genomic_pos_hg19