SuLab / scheduled-bots

GeneWiki Scheduled Bots
MIT License
9 stars 15 forks source link

GO OWL Bot #4

Closed stuppie closed 7 years ago

stuppie commented 7 years ago

Some notes

Things we may want to add (that aren't being used now)

trans-synaptic signaling by endocannabinoid, modulating synaptic transmission (GO_0099553) -> mediated_by (GOREL_0001007) -> cannabinoid (CHEBI_67194)

query to get regulates (and other owl:Restriction values)

PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX oboInOwl: <>
PREFIX obo: <>
 select * where {
 ?_id rdfs:subClassOf ?obj .
 ?obj owl:onProperty ?op .
 ?obj owl:someValuesFrom ?svf
stuppie commented 7 years ago

Moved here