The disk_space plugin was created to check the disk space on IOS, we MUST unify the android disk space method and IOS on this plugin, or search another plugin to replace this one with better implementation and tests.
Check if the disk_space had a good code design, any kind of automated test and the SOLID principles applied correctly.
[ ] - Create a simple example.
[ ] - Unit Tests.
[ ] - Integration Tests.
After analyze it. You MUST search for plugins to replace this one, and conclude which is the better approach to solve the problem, implement a new plugin or refactoring the plugin.
plugin was created to check the disk space on IOS, we MUST unify the android disk space method and IOS on this plugin, or search another plugin to replace this one with better implementation and tests.Check if the disk_space had a good code design, any kind of automated test and the SOLID principles applied correctly.
After analyze it. You MUST search for plugins to replace this one, and conclude which is the better approach to solve the problem, implement a new plugin or refactoring the plugin.