Unit testing. [5p]. You must demonstrate that the core parts of your implementation work
as expected by writing unit tests. Note that unit tests never cross process boundaries, which
means that they do not send network messages, read or write files, require user input, etc. Unit
tests prove that the internal constructs of an application behave as expected, such as that the
calculation of XOR distances is correct, or that contacts are inserted at the correct places in
buckets, and so on. See Appendix A for a brief tutorial. We expect a test coverage of at least 50%
Sprint 1
Unit testing. [5p]. You must demonstrate that the core parts of your implementation work as expected by writing unit tests. Note that unit tests never cross process boundaries, which means that they do not send network messages, read or write files, require user input, etc. Unit tests prove that the internal constructs of an application behave as expected, such as that the calculation of XOR distances is correct, or that contacts are inserted at the correct places in buckets, and so on. See Appendix A for a brief tutorial. We expect a test coverage of at least 50%