SubSide / KOTH

A King of The Hill plugin that has all the flexibility that you need!
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Commands for loot not working. #114

Open HubertGrootenboer opened 6 years ago

HubertGrootenboer commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to add commands for the loot prices but everytime I add something and reload the plugin, the loot.json file reset itself. Also, due to the way you need to write the command, something like this is impossible to do: [ { "name": "test", "items": {}, "commands": [ "0": "tellraw %player% ["",{"text":"Tu as gagné deux ","color":"dark_gray"},{"text":"clefs de vote","bold":true,"color":"green"},{"text":"!","bold":true,"color":"dark_gray"}]" ] } ] (the indentation is correct) The command won't be executed due to the " in the command itself. Thank you for the help.

SubSide commented 6 years ago

You need to escape your "" 's by putting a \ befote it, so[\"\", \"text\": etc. etc.

Make sure you let your config go through a JSON validator:

If it keeps resetting anyway, it might be because KoTH saves its config when it unloads. Trying disabling koth or stop the server then put in the config, then enable/start the server again