SubZane / plugin for Sublime Text 2
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Sublime Text 3 #5

Open jhpaul opened 10 years ago

jhpaul commented 10 years ago

manual install didn't work in ST3 and it's not yet in package control. Any chance we could see an update?

Let me know if I can help. I poked around the code, but I don't know enough at the moment to fix it.


SubZane commented 10 years ago

I currently doesn't use ST3 as it is still in beta. Nor does any of my plugin support ST3 as I have never tried them. I'm afraid you have to wait, or try and fix it yourself at the moment. Or go back to ST2


abhi7 commented 10 years ago

When everyone is using ST3. Only way is forward.

tschofen commented 10 years ago


Jakobud commented 9 years ago


I've been using ST3 for over a year without seeing a single bug. Even though it's "beta" it's extremely stable. The extremely long beta-cycle is not surprising given ST's much slower release cycle than it used to have.

Most of the most popular packages have made the move to ST3 already. I wish you would too, as this is a great package to have.

tiagoporto commented 9 years ago


SubZane commented 9 years ago

I've moved over to and I'm not very likely to fix this anytime soon. Is anybody up for the task to take over this project/repo in order for this plugin to live?

tiagoporto commented 9 years ago

Hello @SubZane, I started to fix, but I'm not very good with python, if someone can help will be great.

bartholomej commented 9 years ago

Hi guys, we've just pushed new update with support for ST3 (not yet available via official Sublime Package Repository). Can anyone try to install manually and confirm? ;)

tiagoporto commented 9 years ago

Hello, I tested it in sublime build 3083 Win 8.1.

With the command p + h + tab works, but with delay.

In the the command palette doesn't display any command.

And in menu preferences> package settings > > settings the file opens blank.

bartholomej commented 9 years ago

@tiagoporto Thanks for your feedback. Please try new update and make sure the directory path does not contain dot. This is correct directory name: Packages/Placeholdit Image Tag Generator/

Jakobud commented 9 years ago

@SubZane could transfer ownership of this repo to @bartholomej if @bartholomej wants to take it over. @bartholomej will need to delete or rename his fork first though.

bartholomej commented 9 years ago

@Jakobud Yes I know that. But if @SubZane wants to transfer ownership we prefer to transfer it to our team account: @AquaSoup. We'll take care of it.

tiagoporto commented 9 years ago

@bartholomej Much better, but I checked a frustrating thing. Every inserted image, it's created a directory with the same filename opened, and inside other directory images with the image files, example index.html/images/placehold-600x400-0eafff-ffffff.png.

Jakobud commented 9 years ago

Where is this forked version and how do I install it? I'd like to test it out to give feedback.

pafnuty commented 9 years ago

@Jakobud @tiagoporto try this plugin

Jakobud commented 9 years ago

I'm talking about the plugin fork that @bartholomej is working on maintaining.

tiagoporto commented 9 years ago

Thanks @pafnuty.

bartholomej commented 9 years ago

@tiagoporto You're right! Should be fixed now. It was a problem with path on Windows. And delay problem should be fixed also. Can you confirm please? @Jakobud There is no forked repository anymore. Everything is in this repository dev branch. Master is up to date now. Let's try ;)

Thanks guys

Jakobud commented 9 years ago

How do I install this dev branch without Package Control?

bartholomej commented 9 years ago

@Jakobud and anyone who wants to install package without Package Control:

  1. Use Preferences > Browse Packages... to open packages folder.
  2. Take your Plugin (which you can download as a zip from this github repository) and simply copy the folder into your Packages folder. (Or just clone this repository into this folder).
  3. Make sure the name of this folder is Packages/Placeholdit Image Tag Generator/
  4. Have fun and give a feedback ;)
Jakobud commented 9 years ago

Seems to work in ST3. Not broken that I can see. Some functionality feedback/suggestions:

Jakobud commented 9 years ago

Also why do you have to have a saved file in order to use the plugin? You can't just create a blank document and insert a image tag. What is the reason for this restriction?

tiagoporto commented 9 years ago

Hello guys. @bartholomej the problem with delay has been resolved, but the directory is still created.

bartholomej commented 9 years ago

Hi @tiagoporto yes because default value in settings was set on true. Please try it again (dev branch). I think everything works fine. Ready for production? :)

tiagoporto commented 8 years ago

Hello @bartholomej, sorry for the delay, I am using imgHolder now. But I tested the dev branch and did not work anything.

bartholomej commented 8 years ago

Hi @tiagoporto are you sure the name of this folder is exactly Packages/Placeholdit Image Tag Generator/? I'm using this plugin (dev branch) all the time and it works well for me. Thx