SubhamTyagi / AppLock

AppLock: A agile App Lock for android
Apache License 2.0
108 stars 43 forks source link

This app is not maintained #64

Open foxjaw opened 7 months ago

foxjaw commented 7 months ago

Don't use this app, as the developer gone offline ages ago & stopped maintaining his projects.

anonfaded commented 5 months ago

Don't use this app, as the developer gone offline ages ago & stopped maintaining his projects.

But isn't the app working? Or is there any active adless applock?

foxjaw commented 5 months ago

Nop. None of the applocks work on the current android versions prior to 12/13 (whether it may be adfree, ads, or FOSS doesn't matter).

The only applocks that work, were the ones that shipped by OEMs themselves, like in OneUI, ColorOS, MiUI, etc. None of the stock androids have any sort of support.

anonfaded commented 5 months ago

oh thats weird, I just came to know that in android 11+ versions google made a restriction in which we can't access the android/data and android/obb directories and now this applock :confused: Btw i am on android 11 so is there any good applock that has atleast less ads than the others ? i tried this one and it sometimes work but after closing apps from recent apps, the applock stops working...

foxjaw commented 5 months ago

I dunno. Try yourself. But I don't recommend daily driving 11 it's obsolete & might have security issues.

anonfaded commented 5 months ago

yeah its old but the latest android version is very strict which i don't like :')

foxjaw commented 5 months ago

Yes but that's how software upgrades work. You can try A11 ROMs of security back ports from current version. But I don't think google maintains the older versions tbh.

anonfaded commented 5 months ago

i was trying to do a custom rom but i just realized that there isn't a single custom rom for my samsung haha

foxjaw commented 5 months ago

OneUI doesn't seems to have applock either. I believe you're out of luck then. I think the only way to prevent apps from being looked upon, is to just not give your phone to anyone unlocked in the first place.

anonfaded commented 5 months ago

hmm i can use applocks in android 11 its working but the ads are just tooo much, but there isn't any way so i have to continue it this way haha

SubhamTyagi commented 5 months ago

The restriction introduced since release of Android 10 the app is not working as intended. Due to no free time this app is not maintained and will not receive any updates