SubjectNerd-Unity / ReorderableInspector

Automatic reorderable lists for Unity game engine components
MIT License
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[Reorderable] not working from GridBrushEditor [Unity 2018] #4

Closed rakkarage closed 6 years ago

rakkarage commented 6 years ago

hi. thanks for this excellent project i am having some trouble getting it to work from GridBrushEditor

Custom inspectors will not automatically draw arrays as ReorderableLists unless they inherit from ReorderableArrayInspector.

i made this simple test project. in the real project i have more code in GridBrushEditor

any way to get working? thanks

rakkarage commented 6 years ago

also: i made a custom PropertyDrawer for an Enum and it displays in there... so why would this not

rakkarage commented 6 years ago

Ensure all related classes are in file matching class name sorry & thanks

rakkarage commented 6 years ago

i had removed the OnGUI overrides but had not removed the CustomEditorAttribute from brush

using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Tilemaps;
namespace UnityEditor
    // [CustomEditor(typeof(RandomBrush))]
    public class RandomBrushEditor : GridBrushEditor
        public override void PaintPreview(GridLayout gridLayout, GameObject brushTarget, Vector3Int position)
rakkarage commented 6 years ago

if i remove thar attribute it works in inspector and paint inspector because does not use this class at all but i need to use this attribute to link this other non gui related (preview etc) code to the brush so i use DrawDefaultInspector

it works for my CustomPropertyDrawer for enum flags but does not work for ReorderableInspector?

is there any way to make it show ReorderableInspector for RandomTile AND RandomBrush? thanks