Sublime-Azubi / AA_1_dockerProject

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create terraform file for the deployment of dynamo db table and #20

Open ifyokeibunor opened 1 year ago

ifyokeibunor commented 1 year ago

provider "aws" { region = "us-east-1"


resource "aws_dynamodb_table" "guest" { name = "studentTableTerraform" billing_mode = "PROVISIONED" read_capacity = 10 write_capacity = 10 hash_key = "id"

attribute { name = "id" type = "S" }


resource "aws_dynamodb_table_item" "insert_item1" { table_name = hash_key = aws_dynamodb_table.guest.hash_key item = <<ITEM { "id": {"S": "001"}, "email": {"S": ""}, "number": {"S": "011474254"}, "country": {"S": "Kenya"}, "gender": {"S": "Female"}, "name": {"S": "Eva Naomi"} } ITEM


resource "aws_dynamodb_table_item" "insert_item2" { table_name = hash_key = aws_dynamodb_table.guest.hash_key item = <<ITEM { "id": {"S": "002"}, "email": {"S": ""}, "number": {"S": "011548961"}, "country": {"S": "Kenya"}, "gender": {"S": "male"}, "name": {"S": "Christopher Oyongo"} } ITEM


resource "aws_dynamodb_table_item" "insert_item3" { table_name = hash_key = aws_dynamodb_table.guest.hash_key item = <<ITEM { "id": {"S": "003"}, "email": {"S": ""}, "number": {"S": "250555444"}, "country": {"S": "Rwanda"}, "gender": {"S": "Female"}, "name": {"S": "Uwimana alphonsine"} } ITEM


NaomiEve-cloud commented 1 year ago

This script will update automatically new attributes when the select_item placement is changed accordingly.