when debugging an error where sublimelinter-flow can bring down the plugin host, i noticed the following:
SublimeLinter: #2 linter.py:1087: The `@` symbol in cmd has been deprecated. Use $file, $temp_file or $file_on_disk instead.
[2018-05-10 14:38:47,006 - INFO - SublimeLinter.lint.linter] The `@` symbol in cmd has been deprecated. Use $file, $temp_file or $file_on_disk instead.
i can take this small patch on in the next week or so as i debug whatever it is that bringing down the plugin host
when debugging an error where sublimelinter-flow can bring down the plugin host, i noticed the following:
i can take this small patch on in the next week or so as i debug whatever it is that bringing down the plugin host