SublimeLinter / SublimeLinter-rubocop

SublimeLinter 3 plugin for Ruby, using rubocop.
MIT License
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Linter uses a different version of Rubocop from my Gemfile #26

Closed jetpacmonkey closed 7 years ago

jetpacmonkey commented 8 years ago

Is there any way to specify what version of Rubocop to run? I have 0.34.2 in my Gemfile.lock, but it appears that SublimeLinter is using 0.35.1.

reconbot commented 8 years ago

It has to do with your path.

jetpacmonkey commented 8 years ago

I set "chdir": "${project}", and the Gemfile.lock is at the top level. I assume I'm missing something else?

reconbot commented 8 years ago

Are you using rvm or chruby? Are you using Bash? It doesn't pay attention to your gemfile lock, it will use the executables that are in your path environment variable.

joshmfrankel commented 8 years ago

As @reconbot mentioned SublimeLinter doesn't see your gemfile.lock. I'm using rvm and in my setup the following path is accurate to my rubocop installation: /Users/jfrankel/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1/bin.

Additionally, if you are using rvm you could setup a gemset and then install the specific version of rubocop that you require. That would allow you to switch back and forth between versions. Though I would just recommend using the newest version honestly.

alessandro-fazzi commented 8 years ago

I'd like to spend a couple of thoughts about Gemfile or, as a better take, Bundler.

First of all I think that it's not easily recommendable to use always the newest version. Now I'm not interested in emerging those big legacy project written in ruby 1.9.2; but I noticed a fully linted project with ruby 2.2.3 and rubocop 0.35.1 which once switched to rubocop 0.37.1 had an interesting number of lint warning and moreover an unsupported option inside .rubocop.yml

Error: obsolete parameter RunRailsCops (for AllCops) found in /Users/fuzzy/dev/mua_server/.rubocop.yml
Use the following configuration instead:
  Enabled: true

Sometimes upgrading is the way to go, but when you are not soloing a project, the project is big and on and're not always a snap away from the goal.

In depth analysis of my path and rbenv

~/dev/mua_server ·  git:(master)
⟩ echo $PATH                                                        [ruby 2.2.3]
/Applications/ /Users/fuzzy/node_modules/.bin ./bin /usr/local/heroku/bin /usr/local/mysql/bin /Users/fuzzy/.rbenv/shims /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin /sbin
~/dev/mua_server ·  git:(master)
⟩ rubocop --version                                                         [ruby 2.2.3]

~/dev/mua_server ·  git:(master)
⟩ which rubocop                                                             [ruby 2.2.3]

As you can see my shell is using the binstub as I told it.

~/dev/mua_server ·  git:(master)
⟩ cd app                                                                    [ruby 2.2.3]

~/dev/mua_server/app ·  git:(master)
⟩ rubocop --version                                                         [ruby 2.2.3]

~/dev/mua_server/app ·  git:(master)
⟩ which rubocop                                                             [ruby 2.2.3]

Here I have a little magic inside my Fish shell: it's no more using binstubs, because I left the root of the project, but my shell is silently wrapping rubocop inside a bundle exec. Let's see:

~/dev/mua_server/app ·  git:(master)
⟩ /Users/fuzzy/.rbenv/shims/ruby -S rubocop --version                       [ruby 2.2.3]

If you're asking from where the hell it's taking that version:

~/dev/mua_server ·  git:(master)
⟩ rbenv whence rubocop                                                      [ruby 2.2.3]

The last one, 2.3.0, is my global

⟩ rubocop --version                                                         [ruby 2.3.0]

Voilà! The command /Users/fuzzy/.rbenv/shims/ruby -S rubocop used by rubocop-linter is getting rubocop from my global version, I bet! Let's try to change my global version: rbenv global 2.2.3

~/dev/mua_server ·  git:(master)
⟩ /Users/fuzzy/.rbenv/shims/ruby -S rubocop --version               [ruby 2.2.3]

O_O WAAAAT? The only ways to get the right version are:

~/dev/mua_server ·  git:(master)
⟩ bundle exec /Users/fuzzy/.rbenv/shims/ruby -S rubocop --version   [ruby 2.2.3]


~/dev/mua_server ·  git:(master)
⟩ /Users/fuzzy/.rbenv/shims/rubocop --version                       [ruby 2.2.3]

Differences aren't so small:

~/dev/mua_server ·  git:(master)
⟩ bundle exec /Users/fuzzy/.rbenv/shims/ruby -S rubocop .                   [ruby 2.2.3]
Inspecting 97 files

97 files inspected, no offenses detected


~/dev/mua_server ·  git:(master)
⟩ /Users/fuzzy/.rbenv/shims/ruby -S rubocop .                               [ruby 2.2.3]
Error: obsolete parameter RunRailsCops (for AllCops) found in /Users/fuzzy/dev/mua_server/.rubocop.yml
Use the following configuration instead:
  Enabled: true

:) Probably me and my colleagues are inside an edge case, I don't know. But I know that rarely we've seen a Ruby project not using bundler and no one can work on a Rails project without bundler.

Even more: I'm not just right here with a solution, but I just hope that my analysis could be useful for the discussion and almost to understand if I'm doing something wrong.

Thanks for your -long lasting- attention :)

joshmfrankel commented 8 years ago

Good point about not always being able to use the newest version, I hadn't considered that. Definitely depends on the requirements of your application.

Additionally, I can confirm that prepending the rubocop command with bundle exec in rvm also uses the version specified in the Gemfile. @pioneerskies nice find.

alessandro-fazzi commented 8 years ago

@joshmfrankel thanks for your time and attention.

I wish it should be a good find for a number devs. And obviously I hope it could be an unobtrusive implementation, even an opt-in one.

Looking forward to hear some more opinions.


dazza-codes commented 8 years ago

I have a .rubocop.yml file with an inherit_gem: clause and the gem is only available in the app bundle. I need a way to specify details in a .sublime-project or a .sublimelinterrc so that the linter will run bundle exec rubocop (so it can find the bundled gem to be inherited).

Can anyone tell me how to do this? When I look at the Packages/User/SublimeLinter.sublime-settings for rubocop, there is no cmd option, e.g.

           "rubocop": {
                "@disable": false,
                "args": [],
                "excludes": []

I've been messing around with my $PATH, but it's so painful to get this right, just for one project. I used bundle install --binstubs .binstubs and added the .binstubs to the begging of my $PATH, but the linter doesn't use .binstubs/rubocop. It would be great if the linter could detect and use values from .bundle/config, like:

BUNDLE_BIN: ".binstubs"
BUNDLE_PATH: ".gems"

The current command can be seen in the console (maybe debug needs to be enabled), i.e.

SublimeLinter: rubocop: some_ruby_file.rb ['ruby', '-S', 'rubocop', '--format', 'emacs', '--force-exclusion', '--stdin', 'some_ruby_file.rb'] 

So, I want to replace that with something like:

SublimeLinter: rubocop: some_ruby_file.rb ["${project}/.binstubs/rubocop", '--format', 'emacs', '--force-exclusion', '--stdin', 'some_ruby_file.rb']

I tried to change the rubocop_command in ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/RuboCop.sublime-settings, but that doesn't work. The cmd seems to hard-code the command in

piotrpawlik commented 7 years ago

@darrenleeweber Have similar issue to yours. Any luck solving it?

den-stripe commented 7 years ago

I believe this seems like a right way to solve this problem

Any objections for bundle exec instead of ruby -S?


ljkbennett commented 7 years ago

This has been resolved by