Open diego898 opened 7 years ago
This is quite simple and actually I already have this for my personal use (just changed the regex for this example). Just select Tools >> Developer >> New Plugin... and paste:
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class HighlightTodoListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def highlight_todo(self, view):
# only highlight tex files
if not view.score_selector(0, "text.tex"):
# adapt this regex as you wish
regions = view.find_all(
r"\\todo\b|" # todo command
r"@(?:todo|author_name)\b" # annotations
view.add_regions("td_highlighter", regions, "keyword"
# , flags=sublime.DRAW_OUTLINED
on_load = highlight_todo
on_post_save = highlight_todo
I think this is to specific to add it to LaTeXTools, although many users may have a similar command. However if there was some kind of standardization, I would be happy to add it.
thanks @r-stein! - In theory I can see this reading from a project file or user settings for a list of words to highlight. I will begin messing around with this
In practice you can easily use a list of words like this (I don't know how much you know about regex):
commands = ["todo"]
annotations = ["todo", "author_name"]
regions = view.find_all(
.format(com="|".join(commands), anon="|".join(annotations))
Three packages that it may be worth supporting for this feature:
There are several others on CTAN, but these look to be (relatively) actively maintained. They're mostly focused on providing in-text comments on drafts, but we could consider integrating them, perhaps also taking advantage of
I have used the excellent todonotes
package in the past, and would also support integration if possible!
I meant to add SublimeLinter to my last comment.
I'm voting to leave this issue open as it's a viable feature request that belongs somewhere in the queue.
I frequently leave myself notes in my latex documents - sometimes directly in the rendered PDFs like this:
other times in comments - I think it would be useful to add a tag/word highlighter to latextools so that if in comments I type
, etc. etc. Latextools can highlight them, similar to how highlights tags like@due, @today, @critical
, etc.I know this is probably too specific/not worth implementing - just figured I'd make a note of it here incase someone else wants it/searches for it. You can feel free to close.
Thanks for all your continued hard work!