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OSX BibLaTeX Biber Warnings #1078

Open MCMaurer opened 7 years ago

MCMaurer commented 7 years ago

Hi all,

I know this issue has been brought up before, and I've read every issue thread and StackExchange thread I could find, but I can't figure out where I'm going wrong.

I keep getting the warnings of "undefined citation", "empty bibliography", "undefined references", and the prompt to (re)run Biber on the file. I do NOT get this if I run backend=bibtex, but apparently it's better to use biber (not really sure why this is to be honest).

I'm using ST2 on OSX, and I'm using the basic builder with lualatex or xelatex, and the output says I'm running LaTeX, biber, LaTeX, LaTeX, in that order. That seemed to be one of the fundamental problems leading to the warnings I get, but it looks like they're running in the correct order for me.

Here's my .tex file and my .bib file:


@misc{ Nobody06,
   author = "Nobody Jr",
   title = "My Article",
   year = "2006"

One other thing worth noting is that when I type \autocite{ and get the auto-fill options up top, it goes to library.bib, which is generated by Mendeley, not the test.bib I'm using here. The .tex file is in the same folder as both .bib files as well.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

r-stein commented 7 years ago

One other thing worth noting is that when I type \autocite{ and get the auto-fill options up top, it goes to library.bib, which is generated by Mendeley, not the test.bib I'm using here. The .tex file is in the same folder as both .bib files as well.

Try to press C-backspace or C-l, C-d, C-c to clear the local cache, if you have recently changed the bib file.

ig0774 commented 7 years ago

As to why biber isn't working, it generates a log file that ends with the extension .blg which should contain some information on the failure.

MCMaurer commented 7 years ago

I checked the .blg file and all I found there was this:

[0]> INFO - This is Biber 2.1
[1]> INFO - Logfile is 'example_biblatex_issue.blg'

As for the autofill issue, looks like clearing the cache solved it!

ig0774 commented 7 years ago

There certainly should be more info there...

There's a setting in the builder_settings section of the user preferences called display_log, which, it set to true, dumps the output of each command as its run. That may provide more details about what is going on (assuming biber reports an error to the console but not the .blg file).