SublimeText / LaTeXTools

LaTeX plugin for Sublime Text
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First install - System Check missing all programs #1387

Closed dwendt195 closed 5 years ago

dwendt195 commented 5 years ago

I am trying to install LaTeXTools on a new laptop (Windows 10), but the System Check is unable to find any of the programs needed and I am unable to build files. I am using MiKTeX, I double checked that it was installed with all the necessary packages and it is in my PATH. When I try to build a file (which worked when I used LaTeXTools on my previous laptop), I get the following error:

TraditionalBuilder: Engine: pdflatex. Invoking texify... 


Attempted command:texify -b -p --engine=pdftex --tex-option="--synctex=1" math_pset_9.tex
Build engine: Traditional Builder

This is the result of a System Check:


How can I get LaTeXTools to recognize these programs in MiKTeX and build my files?

ig0774 commented 5 years ago

Close and restart SublimeText. You seem to have installed MiKTeX after SublimeText was opened, so ST doesn’t see the changed PATH.

dwendt195 commented 5 years ago

I tried that, it didn't fix the problem unfortunately. I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling LaTeXTools, and then restarted my computer, and nothing has changed...

r-stein commented 5 years ago

You can open the ST console ctrl+` and type

import os; os.environ['PATH']

to check the system path, which is used to execute programs. This should include the path to miktex. If it doesn't you can still add it to the texpath setting

dwendt195 commented 5 years ago

MiKTeX was in the path, but after looking closely I figured out that there was a quote at the end of the address that shouldn't have been there, but somehow got added to the path, so I edited that and now everything works. Thanks for your suggestions!