SublimeText / LaTeXTools

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halloweenPackage #1434

Open JM-Laurel opened 4 years ago

JM-Laurel commented 4 years ago

Can't get the \pumpkin or \skull to appear.

ig0774 commented 4 years ago

How are you trying to use those commands and where do you expect them to appear that they are not appearing?

JM-Laurel commented 4 years ago

Using math mode and it's simply not populating. \halloweenmath package is running. Interestingly enough, the other commands in that package are working properly. Update: \bigskull is not populating either.

r-stein commented 4 years ago

I don't see a screenshot. Is the build failing to create the pdf document or do you have issues with the autocompletion or something else?

JM-Laurel commented 4 years ago
Screen Shot 2019-10-11 at 2 13 30 PM
r-stein commented 4 years ago

This seems to be an issue within the halloweenmath package. I also get the same errors, when I try to compile the example. However the pdf is generated and looks good.

JM-Laurel commented 4 years ago

The fascinating thing is that everything is fine if I compile in Overleaf. Any pointers? I tried removing the halloweenmath package and reinstalling but no luck...Is there a way to perform a firm erase of the halloween package, without using TeX Live utility?

r-stein commented 4 years ago

No unfortunately I also don't know how to solve this. I think that the package is incompatible with current versions of texlive/miktex. At least in my case I got those errors, but the pdf looks perfectly fine.

rawlins commented 3 years ago

I ran across while trying to figure out why this package is no longer working (not a lot of direct search results) and it happens that I use sublime text. If there's a LaTeXTools bug here it's that the short form error message makes it hard to figure out that the error is in a package, not at the indicated line, e.g. the abbreviated error log after building shows something like:

path/to/source.tex:155: Undefined control sequence. [}]

But the full error is:

! Undefined control sequence.
\@HwM@math@picture ...\tw@ }#3\@HwM@right@or@left 
                                                  {\def \+{+}\def \-{-}}{\de...
l.155 }

(Otherwise, I think there's a bug in the current version of this package where \@HwM@right@or@left only gets defined for the asymmetric symbols, e.g. \mathleftghost, but is assumed to exist for all symbols. Since it probably should be defined to nothing for the symmetric ones anyways, the default latex behavior of ignoring it works fine.)