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Bibliography not showing on Windows 10 #1585

Closed Giacomeeno closed 1 year ago

Giacomeeno commented 1 year ago

As the title say, when i try to compile the bibliography does not show on Windows 10, but if i try to compile the exact same file on my Mac it works without any problem.

I attached what pops up when i compile.

This is my LaTeX file.

\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{book}

%implementazione pacchetti
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=numeric, defernumbers]{biblatex}


%opzioni impaginazione
\geometry{top = 3cm, bottom = 3cm, left = 3cm, right = 3cm, heightrounded}

\markboth{\thechapter. \ #1}{}}

\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection.\ #1}}

\fancyhead[LE]{\slshape \leftmark}
\fancyhead[RO]{\slshape \rightmark}


%directory immagini
\graphicspath{: .images}

%inizio documento






%primo capitolo

%secondo capitolo

%terzo capitolo

%indice figure

\printbibliography[type = online, title = Sitografia]
\printbibliography[type = book, title = Bibliografia]


ig0774 commented 1 year ago

The default builder on Macs uses latexmk, while on Windows, it defaults to using MiKTeX’s texify. texify doesn’t support biblatex, hence no bibliography if you’re relying on biblatex. You should be able to switch to using our “basic” builder which is actually more capable than texify and supports biblatex.

Giacomeeno commented 1 year ago

Thank you, I had to add \bibliography{bibliography} in the preambole and build twice before it worked but ultimately it did. Thank you very much!